The Old Dog Discusses: When Something Goes VERY Wrong in The Kitchen!

The whole house was filled with smoke and that sickening burned smell!

@lellabird60 Was Trying to be Nice And Helpful But it All Went Very Wrong!

As I walked in the door the first thing that I noticed was the smell. I could see that the stove was on and there was a pan with a lid over it sitting on the burner. The plastic handle of the lid looked like a roasted marshmallow just plooping and slooping where it should have been sitting solid!

My Next Move Was About to Make Matters Worse!

It was about 3 p.m. and I had already realized that @lellabird60 had left the stove on when she departed the house at 12 p.m. I decided to slide the lid off and see what was under it. Big Mistake! 

As soon as I brushed the lid off of the pan a big plume of black intoxicating smoke filled the air, the house, and unfortunately my lungs! I started to gag and cough but I managed to grab the pan and put it outside on the patio.

In case you're wondering, it was supposed to be a re-heated casserole from the night before! Can you see the screw sitting in the pan? It came off of the lid handle!

How Are Things Now?

As soon as I had put the pan outside I opened all of the windows in an attempt to air the whole place out but things are still pretty bad!

How Do I Know I've Got Smoke Damage?

  • After taking a shower this morning the "fresh" towel that I used smells like the accident in the pan!
  • When I try and  kiss my wife her hair smells like the accident in the pan!
  • When I walk in the door from being outside I almost gag from the accident in the pan!

I Need Your Help: What Can I Do to Get Rid of The Smell?

  • Do we need to wash all of the drapery, clothes, furniture etc..
  • Will it be enough to continue to air out the house?
  • Have any of you ever tried using an ozone machine?
  • Have you ever had a similar experience?

I hope that you enjoyed my article: "When Something Goes VERY Wrong in The Kitchen!" I know that I didn't!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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