Market yourself on Steemit.

Sitting behind your computer screen or tapping away at your phone, being on Steemit means that somewhere inside (Whether you admit it or not) you want to make money!

A previous post covers the benefits of numbers and your followers. In the article, it is explained that creating a bad impression of yourself is a bad idea on Steemit.


What do I do?

  • Interaction!

Where are you? On a social media platform! That means that you need to socialise. Commenting and dragging people into conversations not only helps you gain followers, it helps you meet people with like-minded views.

  • Join the community.

Posting everyday and commenting on a few posts help you to speak to individuals. There is a great audience out there to be discovered. Visit daily and speak to the people there. Opportunities for post promotion are available when used correctly. Also feel free to join discord to get in touch with Steem-trail. An invite can be found on the Business-trail profile.

  • Bring new members to the community.

Bringing anyone you know to Steemit is also a good marketing tool as these new people can help to promote your name. Of course, this will mean that you will have to help them get started on the Steemit platform, but having new members and potential investors that know about you is a benefit.

  • Do not isolate yourself.

Do you have a large following on Twitter or Facebook? Perhaps you even have a YouTube channel? These areas create great marketing opportunities. Bring your audience to Steemit. Link your posts on your social media. Perhaps even have promotional gatherings with friends and family.

  • Promote your posts.

Though I would not recommend this usually, new users that have spent 1 SBD to promote a post have often found it useful to gain a few followers.

NOTE: Post promotion is an investment for visibility. Do not expect huge amounts of money for promoted posts.

Post your business related topics in the Business-trail channel on discord to catch my eye!

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