Solar coach mission statement.

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In her interesting article, 4 tips for developping your company's mission statement, Ros Cardinal explains the importance of a mission statement. To elaborate a mission statement, she is suggesting to answer these 4 questions :

1. What is your why

Solar coach why is : it is completely absurd to continue to burn fossil fuel when it would be better for local economies and health to develop solar energy. Solar energy could provide 35 % of our needs without any storage. But habits are powerful and the fossil fuel industry has also a tremendous power. Only network marketing and educating people face-to-face will be strong enough to counter-power the fossil fuel industry.

2. What does success look like ?

Solar coach will be successful when 20,000 people will have understood the benefits of solar energy and will have invest into the proposed solar investments. We can reach this objective in 5 years.

3. What resources do you need to make it happens ?

Steemit is the perfect tool to attract people's attention about solar coach. Other old fashion networks are fine too : LinkedIn, facebook...
What makes Steemit a perfect tool is that people here are sensitive to the economy. They know what is a currency !
I have meet several climate deniers but also several people willing to promote solar energy, including @eliowilson. Each solar coach have to focus on one only objective : recruiting another solar coach every month. This is requiring a minimum viable product which is describe into one of these eight articles. I have started to develop marketing tools like a 20 second pitch. We also need a video pitch and a visual story. These are small investements compared to the benefit we will bring to local economies.

In 2018, when Solar coach will have gather 100 people, we will start an ICO with bitshares. ICO is requiring a whitepaper and a business plan, but mostly enough people to promote the ICO. ICO will bring enough resources to develop larger marketing campaigns and better marketing tools.

4. Who does the mission statement affect.

There 40 millions unemployed people in Europe and about the same number in US. A strong economy does not require a wall, a strong economy require renewable and abundant energy. These last 80 years, the worldwide gross domestic product has been closely related to the quantity of burned fuel.

The development of solar coach will affect one of 20,000 people that will learn all the benefit of solar energy, that will promote solar energy and will invest in it. Up forward, it will affect the local economies that will benefit from the development of solar energy.

So our mission statement is :
we help people to make a complementary income by promoting solar energy. Solar coach promotes solar investments into local economies and collective projects. You don't need technical skills, neither to sale or to install solar panels.

Thank you for your attention.

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