Buying INTEL or deficit in the affluent society

Work force sometimes are involved in developing marketing campaigns, and recently once again I had to face myself with this ominous "closed model".


Many Steemit believe in the course and for you it is no secret that with the start of sales of the new generation of the Pentium family of Kaby Lake INTEL - have lost their special "advantage" of the meaning of the acquisition of the family of processors Core i3.

The reasons for this are rather trivial, in the Pentium has included support for Hyper-Threading technology (which gives work in 4-line mode on 2 cores, this is especially important for games). And given the significantly lower cost Pentium compared to the Core i3 - most buyers (like me) rushed to buy the best model G4560. I had to purchase in different times of a few dozen pieces, so there is nothing to compare the "data" of procurement.

Now after analyzing the dates and the cost and availability of both in European and in our stores, we can safely say - we are faced with an artificial restriction of supply (probably caused by the conscious policy of the company INTEL).

That we have from this intent "backorder" current processor Junior price categories:

  • consumers have less interesting younger models Rizen from rival AMD, because the interest issue G4560 "killed"
  • significantly increased the demand for more expensive CPU models of the same INTEL
  • thus "throwing" parties running the model, they do not lose and nizkobonitetnyh (who are willing to wait a scarce commodity)

The demand for ending the product begins to grow, producing big hurry, product not good. There is a line of consumers waiting for the appearance of the product, and with the launch of a new party, a new "aura of scarcity."

We find that with careful planning of the terms of the promotion of products using classic methods to create a deficit - you can use them in many areas today.

Bravo INTEL, from the point of view of another example of the influence of marketing on us. Sorry that it just can be manipulated by creating an artificial shortage when the surrounding society is the abundance of choice...

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