POLYGRAPH test - is unusual, but often effective

Probably for reasons of reducing the cost of checks on the lie detector, it began to "abuse" more and more employers not only in different parts of the world.


I assume you know that the polygraph does not detect the lie, it only tracks the physiological changes of the body (pressure, pulse, breathing rate, sweating) to evaluate the specialist operator.

I am not going to describe the possibility of a bypass from the point of view of physiology or using pharmaceutical products, but it should be noted that during inspections people actually provide much more important for decision-making - information, because under the influence of strong psychological pressure. Write only about what you see in organizations with checks and without checks...

What can we say, if it has become fashionable even to check for infidelity, when hiring a nanny, at the device, dismissal and other problems at work. I, for example, "lucky" on this case took place over a dozen times, as when taking and periodic surveys.

And I had cases when it is difficult to avoid "sharp", not because I wanted to hide something, but because my answers could affect the company (assessment of the appropriateness of the actions themselves).

Often important is not the polygraph, as the list of questions that can prepare like a Pro and an Amateur. It is a pity that in society a waiver of testing has become almost a proof of unreliability. Sometimes this is done on purpose - in order to obtain the very reason of conflict of interest in the guide.

An important tip I want to share with you - discuss a range of issues, such as "did you Know about the crime and not reported it?", replace with "did you Know about the crime occurring in and reported this to the management?" and the other in the same spirit. Under the first variant of the question you can bring anything, and to understand the consequences won't be to...

Relax, a normal poll it should last at least 2-2.5 hours, and in the case of your attempts to "get around" - the survey will be stopped because of opposition, any "sedative" professional feel, no your written consent - no one can force, have every right to refuse to answer the questions of sexual and political preference, religion and such (which often have been abused for reasons unknown to me).

Remember, the results of such a test is only possible orienting data for decision-making, nothing wrong with that and sometimes it's a quick way to remove existing to distrust you.

Not making excuses, but it is important to look from the perspective of the initiator of the test, it is proved that about 70% of cases of abuse, illegal acts by staff - conduct regular polygraph tests decreases: theft, information leakage, receiving "kickbacks", relations with competitors and much more. It's a business, it is logical that it is necessary to have such protection.

We should not allow worries about the polygraph, as something mysterious or powerful, it allows you to have power over what is happening. You may have encountered in dystopias such instruments of control and oppression, do not give in easily :)

Jokes, jokes, but with the experience of passing these tests and knowing the approximate range of issues, it can be used. To create a new alternate reality, or if you want a legend, especially if you have been hiding "a talent of the imagination", it might help. But is it worth!?

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