Problem of incompetence in the vertical hierarchy of the organization

If you have had experience in organizations with vertical management hierarchy (large business, government institutions, even part of the army) you probably watched the "paradox" of the work of many leadership positions are incompetent people.


Yes, I based my practice I can talk about it (often interact with government agencies, continue to work in a large organization). Despite the fact that the principle is almost fully describes the problem that was formulated by Lawrence Peter many decades ago, low efficiency unfortunately, not lost its relevance in our days.

Peter Principle

The basis of the principle that an employee working in any hierarchical system, is likely to grow in the career ladder until will not take the position that it will not.

We all know that in 90% of cases when a vacancy arises, managers choose candidates with a level of the hierarchy below (or acquaintance, rather than a real competition). But, a new position, always involves certain responsibilities, and in the case of success of their performance (over time) the incumbent is once again in the subsequent increase.

The process of career development occurs before reaching the position that he can not because of their competence.


The problem is devastating to our development. In fact we regress first in the hierarchy of specific departments of the organization, then the industry and society!

Notice, if you look at the whole situation, everywhere, almost in every institution and large organisation it is possible to see the achievement level of incompetence. There was a degradation of any hierarchical system. With the increasing number of such incompetent employees and managers decreases the effectiveness in all.

These people are subconsciously aware of their incompetence and likely to maintain their self-esteem, strive to create visibility, all sorts of rules and requirements to employees (even when this is not feasible), reporting, meetings and more. Familiar?

Over time we see that many senior posts are occupied by people actually inappropriate even lower level of competence and efficiency. This of course, compromised the whole system of organization management, power...

The situation is softened only (so far) the predominant number of responsible officers, which supersede the effectiveness of the heads - pull results work for yourself.

It should be noted that the practice rarely occurs "suggestion" incompetent leader of the last long journey of growth. It is clear that the parent does not want to show his mistake of choice... And an inappropriate level employee and not doing their duties, and remained at this level in the hierarchy up to care.

Instead of a conclusion

Our psychology and environment in society once again pushes the desire to improve earnings, does not stop these people, even with the understanding of their future incompetence in the office.

There are attempts to fix mistakes, you sometimes hear about them in the news: when the head of anything fired or transferred to a nominally similar level position, but in reality not giving any power or authority. But that of course is not enough.

I guess you must initially hire people who are interested in development (intrinsic motivation) activities. And already "rotten" system to learn from foreign experience exclusively fixed-term contracts (with an annual competition for his place), re-evaluation with external competition of applicants for its class, the regular assessment, the transition to a matrix management structure.

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