To work for yourself or for a company

From an early age I took up different jobs, one way or another associated with business and government. I was working as they say "uncle", but by adulthood stood at the door tax and registered his first business in retail sales. It was quite a lot of mistakes, for which only now I can say thank (you went through all this).


Many spent years on the idealistic fight for justice, teaching and practice of law, but confirmed that we need to engage in the only business which is happy lifts you up every morning.

Many years have passed, and now with the development of entrepreneurship and big business possible intermediate line, and what are the advantages of working "cog in the machine" (as if it disgusted sounds) in comparison with private business?

The time

Let's start with the fact that the majority of those wishing to open a business irritable applies to any live streaming chart of the operation of companies. However, it should be noted that now in many of these organizations have a long is not a problem: opportunities flexible schedules, remote work, project planning, delivery of results and much more. At the same time, I dare say that in their own business you will be at a higher pressure personal schedule and employment!


Countless problems related to administrative work, reports, meetings, etc., which often complain about people (wanting to get away to build their case) caused more by choosing the industry / company in which you work. It's your choice. For all the time I passed about a hundred interviews and was replaced by several large organizations before I found the area in which I'm really interested to achieve daily goals. Managed to collect around him the same looking people there is no need to control and watch over, collect meetings and numerous reports.

The rigid hierarchical structure of the management organizations are gradually moving away, they are replaced either by a matrix or project teams. And with the development of outsourcing is progressing the talent of employees, development of competencies and expertise (and not the sensations of a minor "cog"). Is a real motivational shift in development strategy.


In companies there is an opportunity to train the skills uncompromising work in teams with different goals and ideas, a real competition within a single business process, identifying all strong and weak qualities of a link. You'll probably be surrounded by more trained and experienced people that allow you to grow, to compete "brains" to move in the direction of creating something great (potential to create your own).

Work for yourself? Well, Hello there "the many-handed God"! You need to know to be able to navigate in a huge number of issues with the constantly changing situation around your "little world", with all the tasks which at times, many simply cannot cope.


In a large company I got the incredible opportunity to touch the innovations that can't afford 90% of businesses (a huge amount of IT-technologies and others), experiments in existing business processes with the budget (impossible for small businesses), it's tough, trains the risk analysis.

Instead of a conclusion

What is really cunning, to rush and create a successful project - not a guarantee of his shots. The company besides having a stable income gives you an amazing opportunity to create a platform for the future of their own business. Rehearse what you say on your project. Many famous and successful entrepreneurs started with work experience in large companies.

And most importantly, it should be remembered that for many to be successful not only in work but also in other spheres of our extremely varied life... Success to all of us!

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