#12 CASE STUDY : Why Dominos Pizza Is Winning In The Fast Food Delivery Market

So, I was busy yesterday night trying my best to mow down my never ending To Do list and when I finally looked up it was 10pm.


Oh my! And I hadn't even bathe or had my dinner yet!

Knowing there will not be any vegetarian food left in my area at that hour, I contemplated driving across town to hopefully find some vegetarian food which will still be open at that hour or opt for food delivery instead. One good look at my list of To Do's, I knew by the time I got home I would be too stuffed to even work.

So, I opted for the obvious - food delivery

Now based on my past experiences with food delivery vendors namely Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Mc Donalds which are all located within 1 to 5km radius from my residence, I am sad to report that the experience was nothing to shout about. In fact, I have had my fair share of burgers arriving 2 hours later than estimated, cold pizzas, soggy fries and oohh..not to mention the rude and frustrating calls to the Call Centres to enquire on the status of my orders to no avail.

However, when it comes to Dominos Pizza I have never encountered any issues with them except for maybe once when my pizzas were delivered 10 mins later than the usual 30 mins window. When the pizza delivery boy finally arrived at my doorstep, he was drenched from head to toe due to the heavy rain. He apologised profusely and immediately handed me the complimentary pizza voucher as a penalty for being late, even way before I could utter a single word. I felt so bad for him and tipped him as I knew it was beyond his control. Other than that one off incident, I must say Dominos Pizza has never failed to deliver.

Every. Single. Time.

And here's why...

TLDR Version

The Online Experience

  • Fast loading speed
  • 2 step login process via Email or Facebook login to reduce friction
  • Promotions are displayed clearly
  • Overall colour scheme of website is good and provide good contrast
  • Good choice of font type that is clear and legible
  • Good choice of font size that is big enough to view on mobile device and easy on the eyes particularly for senior citizens
  • Good choice of visuals or pictures (Very important for food industry)
  • Good UX/UI (User Experience/User Interface) - Easy to navigate across the website
  • Video tutorials to help guide potential customers - User friendly
  • Real time order tracker - To track your orders
  • Add ons - Good marketing strategy to increase the basket size of each order
  • Dominos Express Card/E-coupons - Promotes customer retention and brand loyalty

The Offline Experience

  • Speed - From checkout to doorstep in 20 mins
  • Food quality - Piping hot pizzas
  • Service - Excellent service and warm smile by the pizza delivery man

The Online Experience

The moment when you key in the website address it takes about 5 seconds to load the page and land on the official Dominos Pizza Malaysia site. As soon as you see the site, you will notice the slider that display all their latest promotion with really good and enticing pictures (Yes, good pictures sells!). To the right of the webpage are all their evergreen pizza promotions. As you scroll down the page, you will see all the different variants of pizza. If you take a closer look at the webpage, you will notice from the choice of colours (bright bold striking colours), to the location of each tabs, the font type right down to the font size (big enough for mobile users and senior citizens) which are all very user friendly and makes it easy for you to navigate around the site. Dominos even have a video tutorial to teach you how to order their pizzas. Talk about idiot proof!


The Sign Up process was frictionless as UX Designers would call it, as you can opt to sign up or login via your Facebook thus reducing the time needed to get started or you can choose to create your new user account using the 2 step process by entering your email address and password.


Once you have registered, it will direct you to your own dashboard where you will notice 4 major tabs - My Profile, My Address, My Favourite and Order History. After you have input your personal details in My Profile and My Address, you are now ready to order your first pizza.

Click on Menu located on the top left corner and it will lead you to Dominos's Meals where you get to select from 24 types of pizzas or combo deals (at the time of writing). Talk about choices.


Once you make your choice, the website will direct you to the next page where you get to select your favourite pizzas. Click on the Upper Top Left corner where you see the blinking pizza icon before you start selecting your favourite pizzas. For speedier order, Dominos even created filters for you to quickly order your pizza. You can opt to filter via Sauces or Toppings. Just click on any of the icons and it will automatically display the pizzas based on the filter. Once you have decided on your favourite pizzas, click on the green Order This button to order where it will then prompt you to choose your favourite crust and your choice of toppings.

Noticed the surcharge that is conveniently displayed next to the item? This move not only creates transparency, but it also enable customers to make an immediate decision on which crust they should opt for based on price and answers the question of how much which usually pops up in customers' mind during the ordering process.


Likewise for the toppings, you get to choose what kind of toppings you like along with the price clearly. Take note the options are presented to you in a + or - format where you just need to click to choose, without even typing on the keyboard. How convenient!

Once you are done, it will show you a Summary of the pizzas which you have selected. You can choose to edit your order by clicking on Edit, else you proceed to the Checkout page by clicking on the green Confirm button.


On the Checkout page, you will be prompted if you like to have any Add-Ons on top of your pizzas. This is a clever move to entice customers to purchase more on top of what they have ordered, which leads to an increase in basket size.

Notice the i icon in the picture. Upon hovering your mouse over it, a description will appear explaining in detail what the dish is all about. This allows customers to make an informed decision.

Once you have completed the steps, you are now ready to proceed to Checkout. Just click on the Checkout button and select your mode of payment and Voila! Your pizza is on the way. Dominos has a cool real time tracker that allows you to track your pizza orders moment by moment including the estimated time of delivery, until the pizzas reached your doorstep. Impressed? I sure am.


That's not all. Once you Checkout you will notice an option for you to apply for Dominos Express Card with a FREE regular pizza to redeem upon card activation. What an excellent marketing strategy to boost customer retention and customer loyalty.


As I was about to exit the webpage, I was informed Dominos Pizza has offered me not one but two eCoupons to redeem for my next purchase. Talk about Wow!. The first coupon was a FREE Personal Pizza for new account registration while the latter was a special promotion for one of their combo meals.


The Offline Experience

I glanced at my clock.


Great! I thought to myself. The pizzas would probably take a half hour to arrive. I quickly showered and by the time I was done, I heard a soft knock on my door. True enough the pizza delivery man is here. I swung open my door and there he was, all smiles and ready to hand me my dinner (or rather supper!)

I glanced at the clock on the wall.

It was only 10:35pm.

So all in all, it took Dominos Pizza less than 30 mins to process my order, baked my pizza according to my specifications, packed it and deliver it right to my doorstep.

By the time I paid the pizza delivery man and stood on my front door with 2 boxes of piping hot pizzas in hand, I was totally blown away by the wonderful Online to Offline (O2O) experience I just had.

Par excellence as some experts would proudly say...

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As for the other fast food delivery services, hmm...let's just say, they still have a long way to go...

PS:Although the process may seem long due to the screenshots and the step by step examination of the webpages, in reality it takes only a few minutes to maneuver across the site from order to checkout

Updated: To include TLDR and better visuals

DISCLAIMER: This post is not sponsored nor is it affiliated to Dominos Pizza Malaysia or whatsover

All screenshots are captured from the official Dominos Pizza Malaysia website, with the exception of the last picture which was snapped using my humble mobile device

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