Photos With HDR Edited And Filters


In the place I am still holding and resisting the sticks of water, collaborating and supporting that every day is not good. But at some point the sun will come out and it will shine like it does in this photo to have a great day.


All photos were taken by my Samsung galaxy S5 phone and edited by Photoshop express.

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Here taking advantage of photography classes, and each of their tips to improve my photos. And always doing what I like.


Everyone will think that they are solar rays, no, they are the leaves of the trees that make them see. Sunlight as we used to and in my opinion I stay in the center as I wanted, I hope you like it.


As you know I am a lover of branches and sun, this picture is very good for my tastes and yesterday I won other fans with my same tastes that pleases me. To me personally to others not much.


Photo edited with HDR I do not know if photographers friends like this edition.


I love these filters because they give life to a photograph, inspire them, motivate them to keep going and continue on the path. And continue to create wonderful things, in the art of photography.


In black and white and the sun still shines, with as much intensity as if it were in color. Letting thus see its own light.


A black and white can not miss in me, is another of my passions.


As you also know that I love filters, here one of them 😱😱😍😍 as in the first with the sun burning.


Photo in the form of a black hole, but it is to take everything bad from here and bring the good, the best for everyone.


In these days changing a bit of the subject that was saying of the photos, there are days when we just want to run or forget everything but I do not think it is the solution. Here I am going to quote a writing from a movie in which things were not going well and says "I've never seen someone stay when things go wrong" and something my good friend told me @ mery.morales25 that was two days ago I was aiming to send everyone overboard. She very kindly told me Angel, we should help, this opened my eyes completely because I did not want to be in a place anymore. In which everything is wrong and there are no advances of any kind.
In these days changing a bit of the subject that was saying of the photos, there are days when we just want to run or forget everything but I do not think it is the solution. Here I am going to quote a writing from a movie in which things were not going well and says "I've never seen someone stay when things go wrong" and something my good friend told me @ mery.morales25 that was two days ago I was aiming to send everyone overboard. She very kindly told me Angel, we should help, this opened my eyes completely because I did not want to be in a place anymore. In which everything is wrong and there are no advances of any kind.

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