What's going on with Busy.org? It's being buggy since yesterday! :(

Is that why am not getting any upvotes too? @fabien @ekitcho

Pictures not uploading, words disappearing, multiple drafts appearing... oh my, is it under maintenance or what?

Even the staging site is buggy. Oh man.

I have a question about Busy too which haven't been answered yet.

I just have a question with the post coding? I mean, my signature includes links to previous posts within 7 days. When it is in the editing stage, it looks fine but after posting it the link does not look like a link.

See pic pls.

It looks okay on Steemit but not on Busy, so I was wondering what's wrong about it.

Overall I love Busy. I use it on almost every post I make. I love getting the upvotes. Huhu sometimes it's the only vote I get first so thank you for making @Busy.org.

I hope you can help me with the post editing too as I mentioned above.

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