My Little angel
My daily morning routine activities started by taking my daughter to school. Right after that, I immediately headed to the office riding motorcycle. The Distance between my house to school is estimate about 5 kilometers. The time estimated with normal traffic conditions around 10 minutes.

Along the way to school, me and my daughter, we had our conversation filled with ordinary discussion, chats and stories around the school activity. The stories about the behavior of her friends at school often time become the topic of everyday father and daughter talk. These kind of conversation only happen during our quality time and usually does not occurs during our normal daily discussion at home. So, for me, the time whenever I to take her to school will always be a special time for both of us.

I Usually ride my motor cyle in a relaxed and orderly manner. First because we are not not hunted by time, secondly, due to morning chat we will have or stories where I need to pay attention and listen carefully to during our trip to school, and lastly I have to take her safely to school.

There was one moment on our way to school, another motor cycles rider suddenly grabbed the road so that endanger other road users and including me. He must have his own reason to do so, probably due to emergency or just for fun. I do not know for sure. But his action almost get me to kiss the ground. Luckily, there was no chance for a scratch or something terrible and fatal will happens as the consequence of course. My reaction was, I was shocked, spontaneously, I spelled out, and my mouth cursing, mentioning all kind of "zoo animal", mostly the name of a human-like animal. whenever I still feel discontent or not satisfied yet, my young blood who churned because felt harassed by his acted, I instantaneously increase my motor cycles speed by pulling the motor gas more deeply, I tried to run after that motor cycle to revenge him with the same way he just treated me last time.

Well, I guest this is where the role of education come to an effect. I my self, who already grow in age must know that we must not do evil to someone who do evil to us. My mind is still under control and submit to the power of my emotions and in the very moment, in this split second my emotion and anger and lust rules. Yet, This 4th grader old lady, in her elementary school, usually performs her duties well. While shaking my body with his little sleeve she said: "Papa what are you doing? Stop doing that! Just let him go or we can not safe arrive to school!", She said.

Immediately, I gasped and agreeing to this young girl SMALL ANGELS saying, that there is a greater purpose to be achieved, than to submit to the flash lust of a moment, Just for revenge and to be able to repay the evil that I have just received.

Indeed, the education main aims is to build character. Make it as a guidance, appreciate it and practice of it in everyday behavior. There is a golden rules that roughly sounds: "When we learn something good and we do not change, there are only two possibilities left: the first what we learns is wrong or the other possibilities is that person is wrong in which, He is not willing change." This saying is in accordance with the universal value of in any religion and education.

I found out that age, the huge amount of long life experience does not guarantee a person to be good, mature and and contribute well to the surrounding environment. I still needs correction from the little angel to remind me of the main goal to be achieved.

As the wise man often said:

Uncontemplate life is life not worthy of living

I hope, I can be change to be the better man.

Warmest regards

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