Do you Know that Haters of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are biggest investors now

Steem ecosystem, bitcoin ,ethereum et al have seen evil minds of haters : central governments, politicians (with special interests) , gold investors, fund managers and yes our dear JP Morgan CEO. However, do you know that most of these gang of haters hold millions (billions) worth of assets in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies?
Here are some few point:

Pic source

Joining the Vibe: There is a saying- If you can’t beat them, you join them! The success of bitcoin has led to a massive influx of interest in the blockchain tech segment leading to massive success of altcoins. Moreover, there is no face or central government that controls bitcoin and thus no way for the haters to pull it down. This resulted to massive success of bitcoin and haters secretly (and most openly) joining the vibe.

Fuders turning Holders: with the odds of bitcoin , steem and EOS failing being zero, fuders have turned holders especially in the case of bitcoin. Many fuders are buying even at high price in order to tap into the future gains of bitcoin and other altcoins. This resulted to continuous appreciation of bitcoin , steem and other altcoin prices .

Never Ignore a disruptive technology : A market leader ignoring the hype and power of a disruptive technology always lead to the complete collapse of the said organization. (Remember record stores, books stores, newspapers, Eastman Kodak et al ) . I am sure that these haters are aware of these phenomena and thus the rush to join the vibe.

Now is your turn: do you believe that crypto haters are now investors?? Send in your comments - upvote to send in your support and resteem in order for your contacts to join the discussion.

Click here and read my former post : Is Steem Backed Dollar (SBD) The Next Best Thing? & How To Increase Your SBD!

Next big altcoin ( Join their telegram)
Ethereum lyte (Elyte ) for short is the next best thing after steem and so many steemians are already buying in.
Offering just 1m tokens as total supply with lower circulation supply, top visible team, excellent and innovative product, deflationary nature, early adopters of Elyte are already smiling as they see bright future in their investments as prices has shot up over 600% since inception just 3 weeks ago even as they are yet to be on exchange. Get more info via website or details below. Join the active telegram community,
Elyte website:
Telegram :
Bitcoin Talk page :
Join the Telegram group for now!

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