Life: My life is my adventure!


It is the road access to my village, it seems someone really piss off by the condition of the road and use it for farming chicken on the road

Finally, I got 15,000 today, what?, 15 thousand? Is that US Dollar?. Hell no, 15,000 IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) or $1.15 (USD). Is that enough to cover the need for one day?. Well, that is enough for one week if my family and I start to hibernate from now on and wake up a week later bro…:D

My private life is a bit funny, I believe that I could be death by the morning or getting fantastically rich in a night. I don’t know at all what God plan on me, what I know is do all my best to get the best I could. And the rest?, let God decides it for me, that is fair enough, isn’t it?

Today is another big step on steemit, since this is my first post about my personal life and this is the true things about me. This post will explain how I face my daily life without regret, and it is not to exaggerate things or so, but to be honest of who I really am.

So, this is how I start to explain what I do for living of my daily life, here you go, my bro….

Who I am?

It is not a self-help post, but it is about telling you the true thing about me and my life. I am a father for 3 little girls and a husband for @erlina-aurora. I am a farmer without any land, tropical rain forest survival trainer, and I love cooking thing very much. For the past six months I have been working in a shop belong to my brother @steemitcountry located about 1 km from my mother’s house. I haven’t made our own house yet. It has been 3 year since the economic crisis struck Indonesia especially in Aceh and the impact of it is too deep.

The main thing in the contest is being honest and telling the truth about living the life, and get organic connection with other user either in real or on steemit. Making friend genuinely is something with high value interaction, because steemit is all about friendship and connection to support each other with the best way we can.

My kindergarten

PAUD AURORA (Pre-Elementary Education For Under Age)

First thing in the morning is schooling things for my little girls, I drop them to the school and go back home for our own private kindergarten. I have established a kindergarten for kids under 4 years old in my village, I finance the school by myself with whatever I have. I haven’t got any support from the government yet. The school has been established for 8 months now since January 2018. My wife @erlina-aurora started the school with deep consideration of the basic education for children under 4 years old in our village, they are mostly ignored by their parent in term of education. Unlikely in the city, they don’t have any access to get proper education since both of their parent need to work as daily worker or farming their land far from home. We initiate the school to cover their early stage of education and plying ground. Meanwhile, the teacher is my wife herself, because we don’t have money to pay professional teacher, besides, my wife is bachelor degree majoring education, and she has no other things to do but teach our youngest kid at home. She has been trying to get job, but still unlucky with that. They are our next generation to save, and this country will be a better place to stay if we save their education today. Our private school actually needs support to provide play ground for the kids, but I have to wait for that thing while I try to save money, it seems to be much longer than I expect.

Shop Keeper

This is the shop I work for and the staff I sell in it

Since I work in the shop for six months, I have very little time to support the school. I start to work in the shop from 8.30 in the morning until 22.00 at night. This schedule is due to the new project of my brother to open the farming land and plants papaya. Actually this shop was started with my capital, but eventually I sold my share to him to pay the medical when my wife delivered our youngest daughter. Since then, I work what I can to feed my family. The worst thing is within last 3 months, sometime I am able to sell up to RP 500 thousands IDR or about $38 USD per day (with average profit 50,000/3.8 USD).

Preparing land to plant papaya, in the back yard of my mother's home


But now, economic situation is getting worst, today I have been in the shop for 3 hours and only Rp 7000 IDR sold ($0.5 USD) and the profit from this amount is about Rp 700 (0.05 USD), what would I bring home today?,

I have taken dept from the shop till today approximately Rp 780,000 ($60 USD). I had planned to cash out my sbd, but it will break my commitment on steemit.

The shop is opened from 7.00 in the morning until 22.00 at night, before I have chance to open my steemit and discord channel to post something or chat and connect with friends. I heard about this contest from my friend @thedarkhorse, and he encourages me to participate in the contest, the price is good enough to support my daily life and my steemit account as well if I win it. Honestly it is not an easy thing when I have to write the fact of my private life. My friend @freedomshift is also making a contest to write about our routine in our daily life, so, I make this post for both of those contest.

Meanwhile, the only solution I saw is Steemit, it may help a little when it SBD price rise up. I will cash half of my earn to support my kindergarten and our daily need and the rest I will use to power up account, the best plan is cash out all SBD when the price is high and wait until the price is getting low and then buy SBD/Steem again to power up my account, that would be a win-win solution.


I created steemit account in Fabuary 2018, my current reputation is 53.6, I am focusing on making good quality content and add value to this platform, so far I have supported @pifc and other communities. Anytime I got something in my pocket I will support the need of community willingly. That is how I feel connected with them when I am not able to give more. I don’t wait to be rich to help other, because I don’t need to be rich to feel the happiness. You should not wait until you get wealth to help other, but you help whenever you can and steemit is the easiest way to do so.

Side job

Besides as a shop keeper, I have ability to repair Air Rifle Gun, and I can repair many brands of 4.5 mm or 5.5 mm Air Rifle. The villagers normally have it to chase away the bugs (monkey and squirrel mostly) in their farming land. But, unfortunately they come to me when no one else is able to repair it, I did repair it many times. I have also good ability in land navigation, and I am able to teach them how to use topographic map and tropical rain forest survival skill, sometime they pay well, sometime I give a lesson for free. I do everything I can to help and to earn for my family. I am also good for cooking even for more than 1000 of people or for huge wedding party, normally they will invite me to cook for the party in my village. Exploring the tropical rain forest is one of my hobbies, and from that hobby I could earn something if I am lucky enough. Deamonorops draco also known as dragon's blood is a non-wood high price commodity that I could find in the jungle without destroying the ecosystem and it habitant, I have brought a few seeds to plant it in my land, hopefully I will get something within 4 years, and my next trip to the jungle is in October or November this year to look for it.


Repairing Air Rifle 4.5 mm

Teaching topographic map reading

My Daemonorops draco, it needs another 6 six months before planting on the ground. I started it from the seeds

Final thought

When I have enough money either from steemit or my real life job, first thing I will do is pay the debt, and by some ropes to make swings and other thing for my kindergarten play ground, they haven’t had any of it. And the rest I will invest on steemit to be able to support some great steemians.

If you are struggling in your life, you should believe that you are not alone, there are millions of people feel the same way as you do. I am in need as you do, but it is not to beg your upvote, but only to tell you the truth behind my absence on steemit several times. I need some extra money to get internet connection and I don’t have it every day. I need to be more creative to earn something either on steemit or in my real life. There is the time when I help parking man to arrange the motor bike in front of coffee shop to get internet connection and that is not a miserable thing to do, but I call it creative.

My life is just fantastic as an adventure. No need to be panic when you have no job at all, because you only need to think out of the box. What I tell you in this post is truly how I live my life day by day. Think positive!, enjoy the challenge of your life, everything is gonna be alright.

Have a great day, don’t get involve in crime, no drugs, enjoy your fantastic day. Thank you for reading this to the end.

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