

In life there are many unforgettable experience or events to people. To some, when they win a remarkable present become the most cherished moment. To others still, a simple gift can be most cherished. Talking about gift, what is the criteria to measure the value of a gift? I have seen some persons talk about the monetary value of a gift as it's value. There are others who consider a lot of other factors before attaching a value to a gift.

Anyway for me, the value of a gift or present to me encompasses a whole lot of things. For instance, how do you view a simple gift of a pack of crayons from a little child? I guess lovely, unless you don't enjoy the company of little children. Now, what if same pack of crayon is gifted to you by an adult friend? I guess funny, if not weird.

What if you are in dire need of Crayons for a quick project and coincidentally an adult friend presents a pack of Crayons to you at that moment, will it still seem funny or Cherished? I will guess CHERISHED. Going by the scenario, I most times attach value to a gift or moment by the need it satisfies and not just the monetary value. The generosity of the giver(s) usually melts my heart. Hence, I tend to appreciate a gift considering a lot of factors.

So far So Good

My most cherished moment on Steemit so far can not be complete without acknowledging the generosity and love of a lot of individuals here. However, as part of my 100 days contest topics, I will like to be specific. Yes, I promised to write a post on the 3 topics I requested the contestants in the contest I hosted a couple of weeks ago, and this is the last among the three topics. To read the contest post click here. The winners announcement post is seen in this post here.

Blown Away


I have heard people talk about being "swept off their foot" before. I have looked for such opportunities to be swept off my feet. At least, I will have experience of the meaning of such expression no matter how dangerous it sounds. Little did I know that I needed to be mindful of what I wish for, because I may just get it. But did I get it? No, I didn't because my wish has been to get a bank that will give me a loan and leave me alone. Lol, I am kidding. I didn't get swept off my feet, I got something bigger than that. I was simply BLOWN AWAY.

I can never fully express the feelings I had then because even Wikipedia and google combined lack the proper expression for such feeling. The experience is ever Green in my little mind. I know you will like me to stop beating about the bush and get to the fact. OK, I will do that but you need to help me by reading it yourself. MY MOST CHERISHED MOMENT ON STEEMIT SO FAR. Please go take a look at it and I'm sure you will have a new definition to the word gift. However, this post will not be complete without me giving you a hint of the Awesome individuals that has contributed hugely to my Steemit experience.

@polebird, @erodedthoughts, @karensuestudios, @acromott.

The above mentioned individuals made this post possible and I had to dig up one of my pics that hides my shy eyes with my smiling face. I can never thank them enough. They are among my first 11 team on Steemit. Go check them out, I will be melting a heart among them in my next post. Can you guess who among them? I will like to know your thoughts.


My Signout message is culled from one of Rihanna's songs:

We find love in a hopeless place


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