How Are You Feeling About Crypto Today?

Just When I Thought the Market was Recovering...I Was Wrong.

I am wrong often though, so that's not new. Sigh. Anyways...

How is everyone feeling about the state of the crypto-sphere today? I think I convinced myself that the bulls were back in town and we we're going to see some steady growth upwards for next couple months. I guess I was wrong! I checked CoinMarketCap last night and was shocked to see everything falling again. It looks like we could be in this for a while.

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I have been on Steemit for almost 1 month, and I have spent at least 120 hours studying, learning and meeting new people. I am extremely excited that I finally joined and got involved in the community after being too intimidated to join for months! (I had been lurking on Steemit since November!)

My long term view on cryptocurrency has not changed, I really do believe that blockchain tech will change the world. But, as I find my self spending more and more time on Steemit over the past month I feel like I am now doubling down on crypto, and that scares me a bit.

You see, I sell designer clothing online for a living, and I have been for the last 12 years. I sell on Facebook, on eBay, and several more sites. I work for myself, alone and I depend on those sales to pay for my part of the mortgage, bills, and so on. Since I've been spending so much time on Steemit it has taken the focus away from my clothing business. I feel like my mind has been somewhere else for the last month and I have to force myself to work late at night.

I have been interested in crypto since September, and have purchased a good amount of different coins. (About 20 alt coins) I did do research on those coins before I bought them but it didn't take up the majority of my day. But now I feel since I spend so much time on Steemit that not only am I spending my money buying crypto, I am spending the majority of my time here as well. This puts me in an even weirder head space than before. I am bullish on crypto, I believe in Steemit and Steem, but at the same time when I see all the prices following the same path as Bitcoin,downwards... I have this tiny voice in my head saying "its the end of crypto!"

I have had my ups and downs being a small business owner for my whole adult life. The highs when you work for yourself are the highest highs you will ever experience! When I was making a lot of money I felt on top of the world. I felt unstoppable. The opposite is also true when you work for yourself. When sales dry up and I'm left with little money, I start to doubt what I have spent my whole life doing. I feel worthless. The lows, they are awful.

When I started on Steemit I felt excitement for the first time in years, even though I have never written a blog before. I thought just maybe if I worked really hard, I could make something out of this. At the very least I could make some extra money that when sales from my business were slow it could supplement it...and maybe someday, if I was really lucky and talented, I could take this thing to the next level and do it full time.

I know I am probably not being realistic when I think that way but I can't help it, its just a part of who I am.

Human psychology is so complex! While I truly do believe in the vision Steemit has set out, and I am willing to not only bet every extra dollar I have on it, but now my time too....why do I have this lingering feeling all the time? Does everyone else feel this way?

What are everyone else's thoughts on the state of the market right now? What are you all doing to keep your spirits up? Are you buying more STEEM while its on sale?

Would you give me the honor of your upvote and or follow? I would love to hear your comments below. I cannot wait to connect with you! Steem on!

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