I spent around 800 SBD (7000 USD) in buying votes. The following queries the table TxTransfers
thanks to @arcange's STEEMSQL
select "from", "to", "memo", (amount)
from TxTransfers (NOLOCK)
"from" = 'justyy' and
memo like 'http%'
This will list all the transfers with memo starting "http". If we group the results, we know exactly how much have been sent to per vote-buying ID.
select "to", sum(amount)
from TxTransfers (NOLOCK)
"from" = 'justyy' and
memo like 'http%'
group by
This is clear and I did spend a lot in this!
Some data should have been excluded from the SteemSQL results, for example, the SBD sent to @oflyhigh, @travelgirl, @wilkinshui and @yuxi were not for buying votes. The biggest service I use is @minnowbooster which I have spent 686.7 SBD, Gosh!
Why buy votes? My reasons are:
- Increase your Reputation faster
- Promote your posts
- SEO, the posts worth more than 10 USD have do-follow links
This might still be useful and reasonable to use these services. What do you think?
Image Credit: Pixabay.com
不查不知道,一查吓一跳,我前前后后花了大概800多 SBD买赞!按市价就是7000多美元!天啊撸。查询如下:
select "from", "to", "memo", (amount)
from TxTransfers (NOLOCK)
"from" = 'justyy' and
memo like 'http%'
这个语句显示了所有买赞的记录,我们再细分一下,按 "to" 来分组:
select "to", sum(amount)
from TxTransfers (NOLOCK)
"from" = 'justyy' and
memo like 'http%'
group by
除去之前搞活动给 @oflyhigh , @travelgril, @wilkinshui 还有 @yuxi 的几笔小额奖励不算,真的花了7000多美元买赞!特别是之前很大一段时间都在给 @minnowbooster 买赞,一共花了 686.7 SBD。
已同步到博文: https://justyy.com/archives/5772
AD 一波,最近SBD涨到10块钱了,SBD比SP值钱多了,所以你把钱存在YY银行是很划算的,YY银行吃的是草(借的SP),挤的是奶啊(值钱的SBD), 每日发 SBD利息,从不间断,提前祝YY股东们圣诞快乐,新年快乐,股东们都在2018里赚大钱,实现财务自由啊!
通过 SP 代理工具 成为 YY银行股东,好处多多。只要代理大于10 SP给 @justyy 即可自动成为YY股东。
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