[VIDEO] [ENGSUB] A physical exercise that benefits your brain? [視頻][英語字幕] 對頭腦好的運動?

Everyone wants to have a better brain. Have you thought about whether there is an exercise you can do to exercise your brain? 每個人都想要頭腦好一些。但你有沒有想到能夠做哪些事情去運動到頭腦?

An ABC News article mentions a scientific study done on how juggling could improve your brain. German researchers divided 24 people (non jugglers) into 2 groups, one group practiced juggling for 3 months, the other group didn't. The scientists performed MRI scans on the brain of people in both groups before and after the experiment. They found that while people did not learn to juggle showed no difference in their MRI scans, people who learned to juggle demonstrated an increase in gray matter in two areas of the brain.


Here is a tutorial I have made for juggling. Feel free to learn it to help yourself improve your brain :) Like always, my tutorials are done in a step by step manner. Master the first step before going onto the second step. Each step is designed so that anyone can do it provided that they master the previous step, and the first step is the easiest and designed in a way that most people can do without any trouble without any prior skills in the subject matter. You will also feel accomplished after every single step and enjoy learning throughout the whole way.

以下是我教杂耍球的視頻。歡迎練習,讓頭腦進步 :) 我的教學視頻一向都是慢慢一步一步來,先學會第一步,再學下一步,而第一步設計的是讓任何人都能夠做的,學習成每一小步都有成就感,開心的學習。


Youku 优酷: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzI0Njk5MTkyOA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1

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想要看更多魔術僧教學視頻,請到 http://magicmonk.org

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