SteemIt Suggestion: Categorize The People You Follow In Lists Per Topic

Being able to categorize the people you follow would make things so much easier... Do you agree?


I don’t know about you, but I’m following a good number of people. It’s good to know who you can rely on when it comes to good information.

The new posts of the people I follow show up in my personal SteemIt feed, so I always have instant access to them.

But... (of course there’s a ‘but’, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this post)

I follow people for many different reasons. If I need some tips on how to use SteemIt, I know @jerrybanfield will never let me down. There’s also @brandonfrye who gives loads of SteemIt tips. If I need crypto forcasts, there is @bitgeek, for crypto news I turn to @kingscrown. There are people I follow because they post a lot of contests, others because they resteem or upvote.

What I’m trying to say here is that all those people are categorized under ‘People I Follow’, which I think is not very useful.

For me, it would be do much easier to work if I would get the chance to split up people I follow in groups. You know, like you can make lists on Twitter.


For example: I do follow @resteembot, but I have no interest in seeing all his resteems in my main feed.
If I could make a separate list for bots and resteem services, I'd always know where to find them when I need them - ant they wouldn't bother me when I don't.


NOTE: I’ve only just discovered I can actually see a list of the people I am following - thanks to a post written by @contentjunkie - but again, the list is a general, alfabetical list.

If you want to see your own list just use the URL below and replace ‘YOURUSERNAME’ with your actual username. @YOURUSERNAME/followed

I do know I can use tags to bring a bit of order in my feed, but this is not really the same thing. The article of @contentjunkie I referred to above was posted last year. I would have never found it in my feed, not even if I would have used tags.

**Is it just me, or would you too benefit from being able to create lists (per topic) of people you follow? **

Let me know!

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