Cut creases and Bang demons

Oh hi, the bang demon got me again...And no, a bang demon its not a sexual thing, is just that little voice that tells you right when you're about to sleep:

BD: Hey, you know what you should do tomorrow? CUT YOUR HAIR! And don't even go to a salon, I mean how difficult can it've done it before!

Me: But bang demon I hated bangs last time, it's uncomfortable and when I sweat I look like a crazy woman.

BD: Do it, do it you'll look cute. Do it 😈

And you do it and love it aproximately a week...then you hate it, patiently wait (like 100 years) for your hair to grow back and the cycle repeats itself until you die :)

But I ain't dead yet so let's just do makeup...

(really smooth transition Bárbara...just great)

Ok, so...I was bored the other day and decided to show you guys the process to make a really simple eye look into a more interesting one with just concealer! You can make this with any eye shadow colour you like, I chose earthy tones because I use those often.

🏵First you apply some eye primer and/or a base colour to get rid of any oils that might be on you lid.

🏵Grab the lightest colour of the scale you've chosen. I'm doing an orangey look so I'll start with a yellowish tone.

🏵Blend in a darker shade in the middle, and then the last one close to eyelash. Remember to clean the edges with a makeup wipe (Do your eye mekeup before everything else!) The angle of the edge is going to help you put on your eyeliner later.

🏵Ok now the tricky part! With a small sythetic brush -preferably a pencil brush or maybe even an angled one- grab a high coverage concealer and start definign your crease. I have hooded eyes so I go a little higher than my natural crease line.
With your eyes open put a little dot of concealer to mark the highest part of your crease, then put another one on the inner edge so you know where it ends. Then take a deep breath and trace the crease.

🏵After you've sucessfully finished this part 🙌 clean the remaining concealer off the brush and put a little translucid powder on the newly drawn crease to set it. Yaay now we can do the rest of our makeup without having a panic attack!

🏵Lets put the same scale of colours on our lower lashline.

🏵Then add some white eyeliner on the water line.

🏵Some black eyeliner and mascara and we are DONE...with the eyes. For the rest I followed my usual foundation rutine :)

Hope you guys liked this look, I still feel a bit weird uploading makeup related things here, but if you want I still have some tips left (like a DIY makeup spray!)


Btw, why is it that theres no makeup people on Steemit? I mean its like the perfect place for it...I only know @claritagigi, @kiki.tan, @miss.bozena and @mvd ♥ If you know anyone else please let me knoooooow, if not go follow this lovely ladies thanks ♥

Forget this amazing selfie skills and share some love to this posts:

This is my last post:

-I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat

Don't miss this:

-Your Guide to Makeup Brushes | Photo | by @mvd

-Miss.B Dvlog #32- Affordable Drugstore Catrice Ombre Lipstick Review by @miss.bozena

-Dramatic Eye Look from Milani Bold Obsessions Pallet by @adayat523

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