[gamedev] lost in da hood (and copyright crusaders apparently) (gameguru) part 30


20180817 0000pm aka noon

almost got phased, had to face the great outdoors to get bread but the vending machine is stuck at one behind, so it looks like its gonna take my money, let me open the drawer, then when i close it rotate to the last bread in it and i have to pay twice, so just in case, i don't

outside, reminds me where i'm stuck at ... but it went well, all smile and friendly

I got busy on gameguru last year but i crashed out around december, mentally, and i really havent done much since, steemit seems to have revived some interest in a little scripting but at a snailpace and i only function well at night ...
I remember trying some of this when i just got on and i got WRECKED by nazicleaners and their team of enlightened content fascists with no own talent because it was "not steemit" content , so let's try again, its time-saving week i want my distroscipts to be ready so i can get back to the fun-stuff

like this a.o.

looks like i bothered to use a youtube pre-fab tune there after removing all audio from all video in case youble accused me of copyright terrorism again b/c of a little music through my speakers in the background , yes kids, that's what this world has tome to, better of raping your little sister than uploading a cd

hm, i see a screenshot for the first minute from rpg-maker "copyright crusaders" another thing that got bucked when i crashed in december ... i think its "the mines of nijger masjen" level where Lolki Uploadsson tries to get a job from the overseer so he can go into das beertent without being attacked by couch-nazis ... i think, i dont even know if i still have the files, that would be a shame

hardcore / new york hardcore as opposed to 1970s era jazz last night, the music fits the moment, it does not create it as Ice Cube understands, gangster rap didnt make me do it ... being left out to dry left me with few options and i picked one, i'll never apologize for that, and i havent seen re-compensation for wrecking my life yet #fuckflanders (yes its one of those days, i feel pushed and thats not good-)

well, the models are looking better, the terrain is molded better , the streetplan is painted on better and the sidewalks are better aligned ... it was starting to look like an actual something

looks like i mixed up the videos ... i see the bedroom of the Last Tower of Torrents, i see LoLki Uploaddsson , i see Illegal Downloadmom , the kitchen ... das beertent, couch nazis (the unemployed kind who look down on you for not having a job ... i see the Hickville gravelpits ... and then at 3:00 i see LIDH

textures taken from google streetview, sized, sliced and pasted, but left in the lines on the UV map for a fake cell-render type o look, photorealistic cell-render look from recycled crud lol, every house-type-model has one texture only so thats only six in total (i think) i'm not sure how gpu's do it but i assume some sort of instancing would help render same models with same textures faster (that's an assumption i really dont know how a graphics card and its interface works)

someone even parked that truck trailer back downthere i think it was gone for a while :p
housing models for the mid-row adapted, some extra prop some vegetation (not vegetation, i turned that off, it grew weeds all over my asphalt)

and then suddenly back CC ... mines of nijger masjen dungeon lvl 1 and 2 ... uptown market (you cant go there, you need something from someone first), kitchen has a system where you can different types of meals ... (Illegal Downloadmom is busy with something at the start) that give different types of hp, ofcourse you need ingredients and for that you need money (ofcourse you do)
the piano plays alleycat, the cat meows when you get next to it ... it's all RUBYscript-babysteps trying to figure out

and then back to LIDH ... thats a very messy vid, even for my doing but HEY, its timesaving week(s)

is the price up yet ? does someone have a spare skinny good looking little sister girlfriend for me who happens to be great at pix-art and drawing anime characters ? and likes sex as much as the rest of the relationship ?


OWH , okay ... well that's it for today then

tchiiii Cat killed two rats yesterday ....

TWO ! i havent seen rats here in years, its like someone set them out ... maybe that's why the wild ferrets are here, to do the good lords work and KILL ALL FUCKING RATS ... cough

i will not slip into a rant about useless dogs who do nothing but slobber and noise and smell , i dont really hate dogs , i just don't much like 'em, they usually dont like my cat and who doesnt like my cat can never be my friend, right ,

proud of the little man , the killer of rats ...

i would never go on a dating site, precious, you still read me by keywords don't you ?

my native language is fluent sarcasm, not english, dont let this be misunderstood : my message to the world

something seems to have diversified my voterbase too , GREAT ! :) i see lots of names i never saw before ... GOOD :)


(no, poincgames is clearly not microsoft free but i think thats the only thing windows is useful for : directx, otherwise its a total waste to install on a production-pc)
i had to remove all audio because youble claimed copyright crud b/c of some music playing in the background so my nice voice explaination is gone, i hope to get back to stuff like this, especially the rpg on maker after i get the rest here up and running, but first things first and then the rest



(if you are .. a "proud member of steemcleaners" .... STAY AWAY FROM ME, you're not allowed to touch my content even if you beg for it, you fucking fascist)

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