Korean Traditional Garden ‘Soshoe-won’ and The Entrance to The Garden In Damyang, Korea.

It is not easy to find the Korean traditional garden now days.
At first, introducing the characteristics of the Korean traditional garden seems helpful for you to understand and enjoy the Korean traditional garden.

The Korean traditional gardens mean the gardens of Choson dynasty.
It is impossible to find out the gardens made in other dynasties except Choson.

The traditional gardens in Korea had the strong influence from the Confucianism and the Taoism.
In the case of the Gardens, the Taoism seemed stronger than the Confucianism.
In my opinion, it would be natural when we though the real meaning of the garden, taking a rest there.

As soon as arriving at Soshoe-won, I bought a ticket and walked into the garden.
The road to Soshoe-won garden was dream like scene. Here, the meaning of Soshoe is clean and clear, ‘won’ means garden.

Soshoe-won is located in Damyang area, the west south area of the Korean peninsular, near Gwangjoo city.
Weather of this area is warm and mild to other area in Korea, so the bamboos are so popular in this area.

You can enjoy the bamboo forest on the way to the garden. Actually, the bamboo has cool characteristics among the trees. So you could feel cool atmosphere by the road.





At first you could see the small pond at the very first entrance.
The scene of the pond was so beautiful with the sunlight.


As walking into the garden, there was a wall and small pavilion with dried grass straw roof.





The patterns of the wall made by the stones and the muds seemed so humble and friendly.
What you can feel from the wall is the core of Korean culture and its characteristics, in my view.

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