Today we will continue to talk about children
we will deal with a very different personality
And very tired for both parents
He is an aggressive child
This child brings a lot of problems and troubles to his parents
He always makes trouble with his sisters and with him and with anyone he knows
Many of his problems could lead to injuries
This baby needs a very special treatment
So as to get rid of the violence within it
First, how do we know the aggressive child?
The aggressive child brings together the nervous and the evil
Always make problems
A teacher and his colleagues always complain about him
Problems happen with his sisters at home
Crying and screaming and waving by hand.
Use words of threat and ejaculation.
Harm others by using physical force such as beatings or kicking with their feet.
The deliberate destruction of things.
Cruelty to animals.
Child resort to tricks and conspiracies that underestimate the other party, such as a mistake and assign to one of his brothers or one of his peers.
Therefore, it is necessary to study the things that led to violence within this child
Of course the main reasons parents
Where parents always quarrel with children
Makes the child violent
And also nervousness
And secondly the use of severe punishment with the child
And separation between sisters, the child feels jealous of brotherhood
Watching movies that show scenes of violence
The bad talk about the child in front of others
And teachers' use of severe child punishment
He described him as annoying and has many problems
Some children are affected by people around them
They learn violence and aggression from them
How to treat the child from aggression
Parents should not quarrel when their children are present
And not to differentiate between them
The use of the stimulus style for them
Encouraging them to exercise and use their free time in useful things
Preventing them from watching violence films
The school also plays an important role
Where the specialist has an important role in helping the child to get rid of problems
And always encourage the child
He described him with good words
Praise the others and keep him away from bad children
In the end if no solution is found
You should immediately go to the doctor to take appropriate action