Dlive is Leaving: The Reason A Farce And STEEM Won't Miss It A Bit

In case you didn't hear, dlive is leaving the STEEM to go to the Lino blockchain. This was posted last night and I can tell you, the reasoning looks like complete bunk. As I read through the post, I was alerted to some red flags which I will point out here.

Before going any further, @dtube has streaming. Thus, STEEM is not losing the ability to stream content in the least. Also, the STEEM ecosystem is to the point it can handle any defection of this sort. There might be reason for concern if anything in the post was valid. I find little that is.

As you read through this, keep in mind that they received a healthy delegation from @ned and the Steemit accounts. Thus, they were subsidized by those they basically attack in the post.

So let's get right to it:

We will start with this gem.

I sincerely feel that DLive adds value to the Steem blockchain and we have shown the new and existing users of Steemit just how great this blockchain is. However, we have realized that a consumption-based economy is indispensable for the long-term sustainability of any live streaming and video applications. The major source of income for streamers should be highly dependent on their viewers supporting them through various methods such as tipping, gifting, and subscriptions. (Bold mine)

Yeah so what is the problem? Did STEEM suddenly move away from being a consumption-based economy? Isn't the content on here meant to be consumed? When did the model change from what was originally set out?

The point it didn't. STEEM is a content management system at the core. Content is produced for one reason: to be consumed. Without the consumption, there is little point to the content.

But that is not the biggest part of this. Take a look at this.


This is from the Lino website. To start, notice the Dlive link in the upper right. I must say, they move quick. Leaving at aside, look at the underlined section of text. Does that look familiar? Almost the same terminology.

Here it is again:

The major source of income for streamers should be highly dependent on their viewers supporting them through various methods such as tipping, gifting, and subscriptions.

Of course, this brings up another point that is hard to dispute.

The exit is due, in part, to the need for tipping, gifting, and subscriptions. Therefore, Lino offers a better option since this is available. There is only one problem:


The image clearly shows that dlive already has gifting on the STEEM blockchain. Thus, I am going to conclude that the need for gifting was not a reason for departing.

As for the other two, there is nothing that says tipping can't take place on the STEEM blockchain. In fact, there are many instances where that is done. The final piece is even more ridiculous since dlive could create a subscription model into its platform very easily with people paying in STEEM.

But wait, it gets better.

The Lino blockchain not only maintains the important positive attributes for why DLive decided to utilize blockchain technology for live streaming but also provides solutions for a more decentralized and stable infrastructure, fee-less transactions, and can process over 10,000 transactions per second which is ideal for micro transactions. (Bold mine)

I like the use of "more" in this statement without any evidence of that. Lino is a newer DPOS system so the likelihood of it being more decentralized is low. The same could be said for the stability since we know that STEEM can handle millions of transactions each day without breathing hard.

The final two points also describe STEEM.

Thus, it sounds like the reasoning here is a bit bogus. The STEEM blockhcain can do all of what Lino can do with a longer track record.

Some more juicy stuff:

Our focus was to grow our user base, and build an engaging live streaming and video community while growing Steem as well, and deliver upvotes as evenly as possible during the last 9 months.

I believe that is what that nice delegation was meant to do. If that did not take place, perhaps dlive did a poor job supporting the users.

However, the current economic model of Steem incentivizes large Steem holders to continuously upvote their own content and other creators who specifically support their content. This creates an ecosystem where a content’s true value can't be recognized or be fairly rewarded.

There is nothing to prevent the "I will vote for you if you vote for me" on Lino. I could take my following, create content and have them donate to me while giving it in return.

Community members who are not "privileged" enough to be a part of these groups with large voting power are therefore penalized financially.

The answer is called account based voting. This is a feature that is an option for anyone creating a SMT.

Speaking of SMT, aren't a lot of these problems solved by creating one? I know the protocol is not available yet there are a number of applications issuing currency using the STEEM accounts and their own database. These "tokens" will be converted once the SMT protocol is released.

Why didn't dlive do that?

Speaking of "privileged", what about this?



How many Lino are those investors getting for their $20M in private financing? Does anyone believe they are doing it for free or just waiting until Lino is profitable enough to pay them back?

It is amazing that no matter how much one wants to hate investors and that they only care about money instead of content creators, everyone seems to want the investors' money to fund their projects.

I guess the bottom line is the STEEM investors are bad but the Lino investors are caring and content lovers. It is nice to see those organizations listed do not care about money.

Anyone want to buy a bridge that I have in Brooklyn...it is for sale.

There are other issues that will be addressed after the migration. Things like account setups. Account setups are instant on the new DLive, you can create an account and start live streaming or uploading videos within a few minutes. This is so important for mainstream adoption. We monitored our guest accounts and found that only a small percentage were able to wait for a Steemit account to start using our platform.

Hard Fork 20 is 5 days away. One of the major aspects of that upgrade is the ability for applications to on-board their own users. The code is already out there for review.

To show our appreciation, all DLive accounts created prior to September 24th will receive 100 LINO Points as a bonus, when you sign in to The New DLive and claim your Lino blockchain account.

Wow. That is great. Just out of curiosity, how many Lino did dlive receive? I would think that would be something to disclose. Obviously, if they are taking their thousand of so users in the last couple week over with them, they are able to give out 100K Lino. I am going to guess that is not all they have.

During the test net period on the Lino blockchain, we will use LINO Testnet Points to reward users. Rewards will be delivered through tipping and gifting rather than upvotes.

We already know that gifting exists on STEEM so that is no different. As for tipping, how is that done? I would imagine that could have been part of the platform to begin with.

All the users will be allocated a certain amount of free LINO Points when they sign up. Users will also be able to buy LINO Points in order to make donations.

Wait, how is that fair if people can buy more Lino? That gives those with money, the "privileged", an unfair advantage. They can gift more to others meaning they can get more in return since there is no way to stop the quid pro quo.

We will also have channel subscriptions enabled shortly after the migration, so you will be able to subscribe to your favorite channels.

That could be done on the STEEM blockchain.

...and eventually, the DLive team will reward users through the Lino blockchain inflation pool instead of directly rewarding users through tipping.

So tipping really wasn't important after all? Now you are saying that inflation is better than direct rewarding? How does a newer user benefit from inflation after this switch is made if there are no Lino in their accounts to inflate?

Lino has an inflationary rewards pool similar to Steemit.

Of course it is.

This is paid out on top of your tips, gifts, and channel subscriptions based on Proof of Content Value; it will be done automatically based on the consumption using a proprietary algorithm. The reward pool distribution to you, as a content creator, will be proportional to the amount that your content earnings constitute of the entire tipping pool earnings.

This sounds very familiar. In fact, this describes STEEM with a few words changed.

End-user experience has always been and will always be a top priority for us.

I find little in this post that has anything to do with the end-user experience. My inclination is this has to do with the rewards promised the Lino insiders. I applaud that since I don't have a problem with one profiting off his or her project.

Yet let us be honest. The idea of moving to a blockchain IN TESTNET to earn a currency that is not even available while there is an investor pool putting up $20M has nothing to do with the user experience. This is nothing more than a money grab, plain and simple.

The truth of the matter is that dlive, while an app of great potential and some moderate success, was still second fiddle to @dtube. When @dtube put live streaming on their platform, that meant there was another alternative. I surmise the reality is the dlive team realized they could not keep up with what @dtube is doing. As I stated above, STEEM did not lose streaming at all. @dtube still provides that.


I have a feeling the supporters of this move are going to be sadly disappointed when they realize that they are entering another version of STEEM without the benefits of success that STEEM has. What few realize is that investors and unequal distribution are a part of the start up process. Even EOS, which was suppose to be the most equitable ICO ended up with 50% of the coins in 10 wallets. Yet, somehow people believe that Lino is going to overcome what no other blockchain could?

There are thousand of blockchains out there all with their own ideas about disruption. Most tout radically changing a particular industry. The truth is most are going to fail. We know this. To leave an ecosystem like STEEM might well work out yet not without risk.

As many of you know, I am following the work of Jared Rice and what @stan discusses with the Bitshares Dynasty. There is a lot going on which will put STEEM into a much larger ecosystem.

So tell me, how many of you want Lino over SP?

Sorry but I have to call B.S on this one.

dlive post:


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