Steemians Negativity Bias: Everything Is The End Of The World


Have you ever noticed how a fair portion of us buy into the doom and gloom? I am not talking about Steemains only, per se, but the human race. We are conditioned to believe just because something did not go right in the past, it will continue that way.

It is interesting to see how this works with people on here. One thing about the Steem blockchain, it will teach us about human nature.

This week, the big debate is about Steemit Inc's stake. It started with them powering down which led to the immediate conclusion that either every wallet was insecure or Steemit Inc was cashing out. When we find out what the real reason was, it was not as bad as we concluded.

Of course, this sprung the should they have their stake taken or should they not? Should tokens that are ninjamined be allowed to remain in place? I wonder how people would feel about this is Steemit Inc was better at communicating and liked more by the community.

I also wonder what people would say if it was their stake at risk of being forked away.

Remember when Hard Fork 20 was the talk of the day? I recall many posting how that was going to be the end of Steem. The mantra was the larger accounts including Steemit Inc did not care about smaller accounts and they all would go away. Ironic that we have more accounts now with at least 1 SP than ever before and that number keeps growing.

How many "Steemit" killers came out over the last year or so? I cannot count them all. The end was always near. This blockchain was dying.

Yet here we are. Steem has it's share of thriving applications as shown on the DApp ranking sites. We are seeing a larger amount of people on here earning STEEM and powering up. At the same time, accounts are getting more powerful in terms of their stake across the board. Every level is seeing accounts moving higher.

I was laughed at when I posted how I felt that Steem is and was going to remain one of the leading blocckhains. To many, that idea is totally insane. There is no way this is possible.

One only needs to take a look at most of the Top 25 blockchains on Coinmarketcap to realize what I say is true. How many of them actually have stuff taking place on them? The reality is a lot of those chains are nothing more than hype.

Did you realize that Steem just got a second page on the State of the DApps


This means we passed 50 lists (52 to be exact). There are also 10 Steem applications in the Top 20. Using my rudimentary math skills, that is 50% or half for those who do not like percentages.

I started writing mostly about the Steem blockchain back in October/November of 2017. Quite frankly, I saw the potential and what was taking place on here yet consistently read the negativity. Everything was awful according to many of the posters. At the time I started, I felt it absurd to hold that mindset.

Now, I think it completely insane.

Simply put, if we have this mindset, it is one of four things:

  • we are just negative and will always find something to gripe about

  • we really have no clue what is going on

  • we have an agenda

  • our expectations are out of whack

Many do not like reading this. Now bear in mind, I am not talking about those who are bringing up legitimate issues and working hard at them.

I will give you an example:

@abh12345 has been beating the curation drum for as long as I can remember. It is a topic that is worthy of analysis. Asher not only discusses it, he repeatedly takes action such as establishing leagues to help with that. He realizes all is not rosy and his posts reflect this.

We know there are issues on Steem where discussion is needed. Often, the reason why something is not longer a problem is because discussions took place and different action taken. It is a healthy part of our evolution as a blockchain.

Just think of your time on Steem. Go back 9 months and ponder what the "crisis of the moment" was. It was most likely something that is no longer an issue, or one that is not as big as it was before.

Steem is the epitome of volunterysm. Nobody is forcing anyone to be on here. We all show up on our own while choosing to remain or go. If one does not like it here, he or she is free to leave. In fact, I will be the first to wish you luck in all your endeavors and hope you find something to your liking.

To me, Steem is the blockchain of opportunity because I see the potential to change the lives of everyone who is on here at this time. When we look at the number of STEEM available, simply math shows how little growth is needed before it becomes a needed commodity on here. Since more STEEM cannot be created overnight, the only thing that can adjust is the market to try and pry it out of the hands of people who hold it. That means price appreciation.

Others do not see it that way and that is fine. Maybe I am the one who is walking around with my head up my arse about this. If that is the case, I know I am not alone since there are others who feel the same way I do. The difference is many of them are the ones writing the code that is making a difference.

A little over a year ago, I saw many commenting how it was not fair that there were so many larger accounts who could buy STEEM so cheap and how it was impossible to get a large stake since the price was so high. Fast forward a year later, what is the excuse now? STEEM has been under 50 cents for a couple months. Here is the opportunity to power up and change the stake one has.

Who is taking advantage of it? Certainly not the naysayers. Instead, it is the usual suspects who are on here on a daily basis promoting the benefits and bright future of Steem.

In the end, we will see who is correct.

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