The Challenges Bahbahra faces 2 - life lessons while looking for friends

The Challenges Bahbahra faces 2 - life lessons while looking for friends

Well you may have seen in the first Bahbahra story she was trying to make a call and I finished it off asking who she was trying to call, funnily enough it was me she was calling.

She asked me to take her for a walk to help her to try and find some friends and here is the story of that adventure.

Bahbahras adventure happens on Fifth Avenue in NYC.

She found this monkey sitting on a bench and thought he looked a nice enough character and thought she would try and talk to him.

Well she said Hello.

She got no answer so spoke again a little louder Hello there

And once again even Louder HELLO CAN YOU HEAR ME

Well Bahbahra decided clearly for some reason the first monkey was not going to respond to her, so she decided to move on.

And low and behold just a little way down the street, well so little down the street it was on the same bench she came across another Monkey.

She tried to get this monkeys attention even getting right in its face.

But try as she might this monkey just didn't seem to be able to see Bahbahra at all, so Bahbahra being the determined little thing she is she moved on

Further down the bench Bahbahra came to this third Monkey.

Bahbahra got quite hopeful as this Monkey seemed to see her, (it would be hard not to when she got so close to him.

Bahbahra said hello and the monkey seemed to hear her as she saw some recognition in his eyes, but still she got no answer.

Bahbahra moved back a little and pondered her next step, on looking back she saw the three monkeys and it came to her that they were making some sort of statement together. She spoke to me about it and I explained sometimes the concept of hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

Our take on Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil.

It all comes down to one interpretation of evil, hearing or seeing no evil, means do not just see something and dislike it based on inbuilt opinions whether through upbringing, culture or education, take the time to look and listen and then form your own opinion.

Speaking no evil means be respective of peoples opinions and feelings when talking to them and our words should no be without empathy.

Stay cool and Steem on

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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