B&W Photo Contest. Entry 1

Thank you @marxrab for introducing me to the B&W Photo Contest.

This contest is being held by @daveks.

This week's judge is @boxcarblue.

These photos were taken on a Moto G4 phone.

This is a Buddhist friendship bracelet.

It's actually a prayer bracelet used to count mantras but I think of it more as a friendship bracelet due to how I received it.

I live in a house with 2 other guys one of whom owns the house.

I rent the master bedroom which has its own bathroom in it and the landlord lives upstairs.

Another guy rents a room outside the hallway.

The three of us split the bills which are sometimes quite high depending on how we keep the air conditioning and things like that.

One day there was a huge argument.

The guy renting the room down the hall lost his job and decided he did not need a job because his family had lots of money.

That meant that he stayed home all day with the air conditioning very low and TV running all the time.

As you can imagine conflicts ensued between the three of us and it took awhile to get things running smoothly again.

I am a Buddhist.

A few days after we had been arguing my landlord knocked on my door.

He had gone out and bought me what he called a Buddhist friendship bracelet.

It was a really nice gift and exactly something that I would love.

So I keep my Buddhist friendship bracelet on the shelf near my bed.

We don't always get along great.........we're roommates after all.

We do try our best though.

Follow me @jeezzle

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