Byteball airdrop aka free money 雪球派糖好好吃


I learn about Byteball back in the August right after the July airdrop. Airdrop is the way Byteball addressed the free distribution of the token as they believe mass adoption requires wide distribution. And that's the reason 98% of all bytes and Blackbytes are to be distributed for free. I would say this is a genius yet generous way, it got my attention by this very method after all.

Smart/Conditional payment is their killer feature, it enables two parties to deal with each other via this feature thus replace the trust between strangers as no scam could be done. For use case example, you may buy a flight delay insurance through the contract and if the negative event happens, you unlock the contract and get paid. Sounds like with the Ethereum Smart Contract but I use neither so cannot comment on them.

Byteball has no blockchain and miners (like the IOTA), has chatbots to facilitate operations, features the untraceable Blackbytes, and so on.

I won't go into the whole detail of how Byteball works but you can their official site if interested. They have a really nice build Byteball Wiki site as well.

So what happened is, I bought 2G of Byteball at the price of $300 thinking that I could take advantage of the pump before next airdrop. Then our dear BTC went crazy shooting up from $4000 to $6000, and the Byteball dropped to $180 too. I was cold by the fact I made the wrong move and didn't bother to keep a busy eye on it anymore.

Last Monday I opened up my Byteball wallet, felt strange looking at the amount I have first, then realized I have gone through 2 rounds of airdrop.


  • For every 16 BTC you receive 0.1 GB (1 gigabyte = 1 billion bytes),
  • For every 1 GB you receive additional 0.1 GB.

According to the official statement, you get 10% extra of your Byteball holding. The 262.56 MB and 288.816 MB was my free distribution from the airdrop. Using today's rate where 1 GB = $188.17, I have earn [(262.56 + 288.816)*188.17/1000] = extra $103.75. Not bad at all.

It is worth mentioning that Byteball is one of the few projects that is extensive at the wallet development. iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux are all supported. Together with their interesting features, this could be the real deal. Anyway, I'm holding for the next airdrop which will be announced in mid-November.

雪球(Byteball)是一个高度利用空投系统的币种,高达 98% 的币都会通过空投的方式发送给特定用户。因为团队相信广泛的持有分配才是变成主流货币的不二之道。这策略还真的是有效,我就是这样被吸引进来的。

先说说雪球的主要功能,其中 Smart/Conditional payment 就是官方号称的杀手锏。陌生人之间无需信任就可以通过这种交易条约功能交易,不会有诈骗的可能性。真实用案里你可以为自己的航班买延误保险,要是航班真的延误了,你就可以解锁条约得到赔偿。听起来其实很象 Ethereum 的 Smart Contract, 由于两者我都没用过所以不予置评了。雪球也不使用传统的区块链,所以也就没有矿工(和 IOTA 很像)。钱包内有内置机器人可以协助日常操作,还有另一种可以躲过所有追查的黑雪球(Blackbytes)。

如果有兴趣了解更多,请前往官网,他们也有着很完善很好读的 Byteball Wiki

话说回来,以为下次空投时价格就会大涨的我在三百元时买了 2G 的雪球。不久后比特币就开始暴走了,从四千一路高歌到六千。雪球的也从三百掉到 180 。有点心冷的我就没心情在天天关注了。


值得一提的是,雪球团队在钱包支援方面做得罕见的好。从 iOS,Android, Windows, Mac, 到 Linux 都有相应的钱包。加上有趣实用的功能特点,相信未来还是大有可为的。不说了,准备接收十一月中旬的空投了。

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