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Introducing @calibrae, @elfspice/@l0k1's new and final Steem account.



has been a most peculiar day. I did my first voice interview on the Whaleshares chat with @patelincho, to answer questions for the people there who are terribly interested in this new project.

You all know me, of course, I originally signed up as @l0k1, and then more recently, started going by my old psychedelic forums nickname @elfspice.

Today @noganoo gave me this account, which apparently is a terrible thing, but I have no idea about any of that stuff. It just seemed natural that I should switch to this full time.

This is not going to be a 'corporate' account, per se, that is, I am not suddenly going to start talking like a faceless suit-wearing robot representing someone else. That's just not my style. This is my Post-Steem username.

I know Steem is still here, but I doubt that is going to be for that much longer, since I am utterly unconvinced that they have any strategy for limiting the toxic load of bots, in fact, by the little bit of chatter I have seen about @noganoo, apparently this is the end of the wereld.

Anyhoo, so, I just want to report a few new things in the Calibrae ruleset:

  1. Muting will have the effect of placing a downvote automatically on every post or vote by the muted account. If an account is muted by enough users, they will have no vote power. It will work by reducing their vote power, while the mute is operational.
  2. Following will have the opposite effect. There has to be an opposing force to this, or it would be abused.
  3. Voting will not decay, but instead be 100%, but the number of votes available will be limited. In fact, the combination of stake and coefficient, and follows and mutes will generate an overall post limit. Instead of using a bandwidth scheme, the number that comes out of this formula will limit limits transactions.

This way, the ability to place new data on the database is limited. The interface will show a number that indicates how many remaining transactions you can make, which can be any one of post, vote, follow, mute, transfer, or power up/power down.

There is a serious problem with the way the bandwidth system works for new accounts - they can't see how much transactions they can make. But votes are unlimited. This means a new account, that posts nothing, can be used to spam the database with transactions. This makes no sense. Limiting the power makes no real difference. Not only that, not only can a new account post unlimited vote transactions, it can post unlimited transfers, unlimited posts. Posts, particularly, weigh heavy on the data store. These should also be limited in size, like how SMS comes in blocks. If your post exceeds the number of transactions, measured by these blocks, it will tell you you can't write any more in the post.

These are just thoughts coming off the top of my head for this afternoon. I will refine them more as I work through it.

In any case, so people know, I am not going to be using @l0k1 or @elfspice anymore. They will just power down, and I will cash out the power downs as they come. I am now 100% only about Calibrae, on this platform from here on. I'm not going to get into debates about anyone's reputation, actions, or any of that crap. I don't give a damn anymore about SS Steemtanic's deckchair rearrangement situation. I am off to gather nectar and sleep in a state of torpor, once I bathe myself in some nice cool water.
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