The wine of my country and with what meals to consume them


Hello dear friends, thank you for accompanying my work, browsing the web I cross with a complete wine guide from the first floor that I arrived in my country, all its process, which came to choose from each menu, such as wine preservation, temperatures Ideal to consume and how to serve wine, a complete and interesting wine guide.

Argentinian wine is the popular blood of Corrientes, a drink that unites people, it is not just a drink, it is a reason for meeting, celebration and celebration, it is in the Argentinean majority of tables, we are big consumers of Wines, we consume 45 liters per person per year, the wine is considered as the "national drink of Argentina".


The production of wines in my country began in 1556 with the arrivals of Spanish settlers. The priest Juan Cedrón introduced plants of grapes to Argentina, in the province of Santiago del Estero, Then a Wales of Name Aimé Pouget, introduced plants in the province of Mendoza.


In the year 1880 Tiburcio Benegas, makes a plantation of grapes in a plot of 250 hectares, in the province of Mendoza, later in 1885 founds the winery "El Trapiche"


The best Argentinian wines have their origins in the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, Salta, La Rioja, Cordoba, Catamarca, Neuquén, Río Negro, Entre Ríos, Chubut, Buenos Aires and Santa Fe.

As producers we are the number one in Latin America and fifth in the world, another reason for popular pride, wine is not only a consumer drink, it is also widely used as a culinary condiment along with lemon, olive oil, and laurel .

The first wines that were produced in my country, was the artisanal wine patero, so called by the way of its elaboration.


The red wine is the traditional Argentinean wine, it has "a lot of body, very astringent, the color is called quebracho", because of its similarity to the color of the wood of the "quebracho colorado" tree.


The most important province in wine production is the province of Mendoza produce 64% of the wine consumed by my Argentine brothers and 84% of those consumed by my brothers in the World.


The main grape varieties of red wines are Malbec, Bonarda, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah. And the whites are Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc and Torrontés.


In order to achieve the quality of the Argentine wine, the soil had to be studied very well, so the grape plants were kept in good condition, the areas chosen were "dry, arid" lands, places with little rain and humidity, lots of exposure To the sun, the waters that are used for irrigation, is thawed water from the mountain range or waters that flow through the rivers or streams that come down from the mountains.

After this brief introduction of the origins and history of the wine of my country having known its technical aspects and the different types of wines we will see how to enjoy it better in the company of the meals.

The wine at the table is drunk to help direct or accompany the food, so we must know the little secrets of the meals and with which came with him.


If the menu is composed of "fish" it is accompanied with "soft white" wines, however if the menu is made up of seafood these are accompanied with "strong white wines".

When the dishes are composed of "red meats" they are accompanied by "soft red wines", when the menu is composed of game meats are accompanied with "red wines".

If the menu is made up of "white meats" it is accompanied with "rosé wines".

If the menu is "a soup" the wine that must be chosen to accompany this meal is the "dry white" wine.

If the menu is "Rice", this meal should be accompanied with "soft red wine"

If the menu that you want to accompany is "the pasta", the wine you will choose will be the "rosé wines"
If it is a matter of accompanying a table of soft and semi-soft cheeses the wine to be chosen will be the wine "Rosé or Soft Tinto"


If the table of "cheese is semi hard or hard" the wine to be chosen is the wine "strong red".

If what you want to accompany are tables of "cold cuts or sausages", the wine to choose is "dry rose" wine.

If what is trying to accompany is a dessert, what is advisable is a "sparkling wine or champagne"


Now that we know how to choose the right wine for each menu, it is important to know how to save the wine so that it stays in perfect condition, such as refrigerating the wine and serving the wine to delight its best taste.

The most important thing for wine conservation is the place of "keeper", it has to be repositioned in a cool, dry and dark place away from the sunlight, "ideal a basement", never store in the refrigerator.

Another fundamental point is the position of "guard", the wine should be on the side, leaning forward touched the "liquid the cork".

When serving never to add "ice inside the glass", the wine must be refrigerated when it is to be consumed, the wine bottle must be rested in the refrigerator until it reaches the appropriate cold for each variety of wine, in the case Of "sparkling wines must be served between 7 and 9 degrees", "pink wines between 9 and 11 degrees", "soft red wines and white wines between 10 and 12 degrees" and "red wines Between 16 and 20 degrees ".

"Finally we are ready to serve the wine, fifteen minutes before serving the wine we must remove the cork so that the wine is oxygenated and breathed, five minutes before drinking the wine must be served, before taking the wine slightly to oxygenate the wine Drink, now we are ready to enjoy this good wine ".

I hope these little tips you can use to enjoy a good wine and have enjoyed as much as already to do the post, we do not see in the next post where we see some more tips that have to do with wine.



I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another story of my land Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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