A Clean Grow, Is A Happy Grow! (STEEM OG UPDATE #12)

Hi Steemians! Are you ready for some cannabis crypto action!?



Ok for those just tuning in, I created Steem Og a few months ago by back crossing my Santa Rita Og, which lineage is a Tahoo Og female, and an Inca Gold male. I cracked about 8 seeds and outta those 8 I have 4 left. Now I actually had 7 of those 8 crack, but 3 I fucked up with by rookie mistakes. Seedlings are very sensitive though, so rule of thumb, be extra careful with them!! Any ways. Out of those 4 I had 2 females, and 2 males. Now if you think im bummed for having 2 males, guess again. I welcome them. Now im not some big time breeder like Jixproof, or Subcool of TGA Genetics. But I am a weed nerd. So me breeding cannabis, is just me having fun!!! Yeeee hawww!!!


Ok, so out of the 2 males I only kept the best looking one. Which to me was the one growing like a beast. I finished my previous plants in flower, so I had the male in my 12/12, which means 12 hours of light, and 12 hours of dark. It has only been a week, and today I came to a surprise.


This Steem Stud had pollen dropping already!!!! Which just FYI there is enough pollen there to seed an entire room of females!!


Once I saw this I automatically went into survival mode and cut the top to collect the pollen.


Now I usually cut the tops before they open and place into a cup with tap water and then place on my kitchen window seal. But even though I have a few that opened already, male flowers will still start to open and drop pollen. This will make the third male I have done this. If you plan to do this, remember cannabis pollen is very very potent. You do not want to seed a plant on accident. Seeded buds, IMO are useless to smoke. Im not in high school no more, I do not want seeds in my smoke! Im sure you fell the same way.


C'est la vie! So that's it for this stud. Believe it or not, I fell so dirty to end a plants life in this manner. But the only reason im able to do this, is because I know he will live on!!!! @jonyoudyer/love-is-in-the-air-steem-og-update-10-strain-name-contest


Ok, so while I was doing this, I took the time to clean out my flower room.


A clean grow, is a happy grow!


One thing I fell us indoors growers forget to do, or overlook, is to clean the fan!!! Look how nasty this thing is. Honestly its fucking gross!! Its been a good 6 months before I cleaned this thing.


Also having a clean blade means less resistance. Less resistance on your blade will give you a longer life for your fan. So I promise I will start doing this more often, but you do too! Deal?



Tomorrow this post will pay out in 1 Steem, and I will power up by flowering ;)


Who says cowboys cant fly?


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