Aquaponics and Cannabis?? 50% faster growing rates healthier plants and more...

Hey everyone. I make regular posts on aquaponics on my blog on small gardens systems I have built as well as one or two of the bigger units, which got me thinking. Why not grow marijuana in aquaponics systems? On one of my previous posts and a few friends later we have a bit of a chat about growing it in aquaponics and came to the conclusion why not?

Now if you are not familiar with aquaponics it is the synergy of plants and fish in a closed system no pesticides allowed. This differs from hydroponics as the fish in aquaponics play the 'fertilizer' role where in hydroponics chemicals/fertilizers etc do that.

Below we have 110 mm pipes with 75 mm grow baskets planted with strawberries, spinach, lettuce, herbs and more. You are not able to see it in this pic but the 'fish water' is permanently circulated in the below pipes to feed and hydrate the plants. Strawberries thrive in these systems too by the way which was rather unexpected given the high nutrient demand, if they can, anything can literally or almost anything (I'm not too sure about things like potatoes, or oak tree's though ;)


This is a sneaky pic of the garden unit I made just look at those flourishing vegetables, can you imagine what you are able to do with Mary-Jane?


I have never done a cannabis/aquaponics specific blog. Now sadly to date I have also never grown cannabis in aquaponics. I plan to and blog about it from start to finish, but that all depends on how the cash situation looks and if I am able to raise the funds to do so. I am sure that in future we shall get there. What I will keep doing in the interim is blogging aquaponics answering any questions regarding it and advising/helping out where I can.

The 'fertilizer factory' rainbow trout, what an exciting fish!

rainbow trout.jpg

Just imagine the volumes you will be able to achieve in a system like this?


Thanks for having a squizz, check out all my other aquaponics posts and don't hesitate to ask questions, I will gladly assist and advise accordingly.

Free the weed..



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