Families In Wisconsin Push For Urgent Action On CBD Oil

A number of families, who have been struggling with epilepsy, in Wisconsin are pushing for changes to be made in regards to CBD oil criminalization there. They are hopeful that a new CBD oil bill will pass soon and that it will pave the way for individuals to get this much needed oil; hoping that it could provide them some potentially beneficial remedy for their illness.

Senators in Wisconsin recently heard from families who are eager for the bill to pass, with one of the most prominent advocates being a mother (Sally Schaeffer) who became even more passionate about the cause after her daughter died at the age of 7 from a rare disorder called Kleefstra syndrome, and she also suffered from autism and epilepsy. And there are plenty more like her not only in Wisconsin and around the US but also around the world.

Is it really better to let these children die than to let them consume some natural oil?

People are tired of the propaganda surrounding CBD oil and cannabis, and they want to see changes made so that people's natural rights aren't infringed upon. The fact that CBD oil isn't legalized is even more frustrating than cannabis prohibition, considering that you can get this oil so that it doesn't contain any THC and therefore doesn't offer the user any 'high' so there really is no reason to prevent someone from using it; not that there is legitimate reason to criminalize cannabis either.

Parents have seen children die before they got the chance to try CBD oil, and they don't want to see the same fate for children and other individuals who might be able to receive some benefit from this option of medicine. The bill if passed would make it legal to possess the oil with a doctors note.

The bill is expected to head to a vote in front of the full senate by next week, it's said that it might be as early as Thursday.

However, the state assembly allegedly won't be picking-up the bill until around March. The bill won't make changes as far as allowing for the manufacture or sale of the oil within the state however, just limited access so that those seeking a last resort to save their life won't be facing a threat of violence for doing so.



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