Former Football Star Says Cannabis Saved His Life

Former San Diego Aztecs football star, Kyle Turley, says that cannabis helped to save his life and he wants the NFL to allow its players to be able to use it. For now, cannabis is still on the banned substances list but the league might have to make a decision on whether or not to adjust that soon, given the growing acceptance for the plant.

Turley played for 8 seasons in the NFL and his experience in playing really took a toll physically on his body. He says that at one point he was taking numerous pills every single day, and that he was given those pills for injuries that he received while playing the game. One of the experiences he had was where he blew his knee out and it ended up fueling an opiate addiction for him. Turley credits cannabis with changing his life for the better.

There are many NFL players who take a host of medications in order to cover-up or treat injuries that they received during the game, and if the league were to embrace this medicine then that could really change things for the players. It might not be very long before more up-to-date scientific research is able to persuade them into going toward a new direction.

The NFL Players Association has formed a committee that is tasked with studying the effects of cannabis for the purposes of managing pain.

And recent surveys have found that at least 71 percent of NFL players would approve of using cannabis for medicinal purposes. Turley says that after he was introduced to cannabis it wasn't long before he was off of all his pain killers. He so strongly believes in advocating for the plant that he even went on to start his own cannabis company, Neuro Armor, which produces a number of different products.


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