Over 89,000 Sign Petition Urging DEA To Change Their Mind On Cannabis

A new petition has been launched, from Americans for Safe Access and Change.org, that's calling for immediate action from the DEA in regards to changing their stance on cannabis criminalization. Over 89,726 people have signed the petition so far, urging President Obama to take “immediate action” in urging the DEA to concede that there is medical benefits that can be derived from cannabis.

Some of the supporters of the petition have shared their personal stories about how cannabis is personally helping them or their loved ones to overcome some negative/painful symptom or health issue. And there are other posts that also come from retired officers, who have seen the failures of the war on drugs first hand, and are urging for some sense to be exercised in the discussion on the matter.

When Will The Madness End?

The ASA (Americans for Safe Access) has recently filed a legal request with the DEA, asking them to update their information/stance on cannabis. They've got a problem with the accusations of cannabis being a gateway drug and with the claims that cannabis causes irreversible cognitive decline, lung cancer, and possibly psychosis.

Propaganda has been used for decades in an effort to try and persuade the public to support nonsensical prohibition campaigns, that harm peaceful people and prevent them from having safe access to medicine.

This plant can and has proven to help to improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world, in a peaceful and voluntary way, and the ignorance being displayed by the DEA is harmful and misleading.

The ASA wants the DEA to stop spreading misinformation that isn't based on scientific fact, they argue that it's illegal for the government to distribute inaccurate information to the public and they want the DEA to be held accountable.



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