UK Government Classifies CBD As Medicine

The UK government has recently decided to further embrace reality by conceding that cannabis can in fact provide medicinal benefit. Although the plant is still illegal, the government has recently classified cannabidiol as a medicine. Cannabidiol is also commonly referred to as CBD and it is just one of 113 active ingredients in cannabis. The government has recognized it as being able to help modify, correct, and restore, physiological functions.

Now that they've made this move forward, any products on the market that contain CBD will be classified as medicines. Despite their re-classification of CBD however, the plant still remains illegal to possess.

Popularity of cannabis continues to climb, the awareness and use of CBD oil has also increased not only in North America but throughout the world. Children younger than 10 years old are being given CBD oil now to help them with seizures, and countless parents and doctors have woken up over the last few years to the vast array of benefits that this plant can provide. For the parents who want to opt for cannabis as a treatment option but are worried about the “high” the CBD makes a great alternative for them because it doesn't possess the psychoactive THC component.

Just a few short years ago there were only a handful of suppliers for CBD oil but now the producers continue to grow, there are dozens of them available on the market now. Many people who use Facebook and other social media sites, have also seen the countless memes circulating about CBD oil, with the various claims about it being able to cure a myriad of illnesses. One of the most prominent cannabis oil supporters has been Rick Simpson and his story of curing his disease with the oil is what launched the interest for many people around the world to look into this product.

Over 5,000 CBD-related studies have been published between 1970 and 2015 and it looks like the popularity over this product is going to continue as people increasingly search for possible healthier and more natural alternatives for treatment to their incurable diseases and other illnesses. And usage in a number of countries for this product continues to climb. By this rate, we will see an increasing number of CBD-related products continue to flood the market in the coming years. But despite many people using not only CBD, but the cannabis plant itself as a form of medicine, the federal government in the U.S. refuses to admit the possible medicinal benefits that can be had. But regardless of the government's inability to embrace this plant, people around the world continue to vote in favor of it with their dollars.

pics: pixabay


*The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. *

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