Smoking pot / weed for my first time in 42 years !


Greetings Steemit,

Yes, you read correctly. I am considering smoking MJ ( Let's just refer to it as such from now on ) for the first time in 42 years.
Why 42 years? Well, I have never smoked MJ in my entire life, and 42 is well, I'm sure you can figure out the significance of that number.

I have a very strong stance with regards to being anti-drug use. Yes yes I know, it's not a drug it's a herb. But just bear with me here ok. Due to my ignorance I have very bad thoughts or better yet, perceptions, with regards to MJ.

For some reason I think that if you smoke it you become so trippy and drugged up that you don't even know your own name. I dislike anything that alters a person's state of conciousness.

For the record I have read numerous articles on MJ, the effects, the up's, the down's etc. I have interacted with individuals that have smoked MJ, & to be honest they seemed fine. Yes, they had bloodshot eyes, or their speech might have been very slightly "delayed", if I may use that term.

But never once have I seen someone so "out of it" that they couldn't stand on their own two feet. Which is a good thing I guess. I don't have anything against people who smoke MJ. It's their life & who am I to tell someone what to do. I have even been to parties where people smoke right beside me, & I have had good conversations with them.


Well, I know the difference between Indica & Sativa. I guess I'll try Sativa first & see how it goes. I'm still a bit in the dark about the difference between Outdoor & Indoor ( Feel free to explain it to me in the Comments if you wish ).

Look, I'm not going to get trippy high by smoking an entire joint. Yes, it'll be a joint. None of that bong stuff for my first time. I'll take a toke ( is that the proper term? :) ) or two and see how it affects me. To be honest I'm terrified I'll trip out and start seeing pink elephants farting rainbows. Eeeek!


Well to be completely honest, I want to experience it & see if it's really as bad as what I perceive. That's it, short & sweet & direct.


  • What if I smoke & I get addicted?

  • What if I smoke & nothing happens?

  • What if I really see weird trippy things?

  • Will smoking make me a hypocrite due to me being anti-drugs?

These are my main concerns that are hindering my final decision to smoke or not.

I have interacted with the most intelligent people I have ever come across & these individuals smoke MJ. So it really cannot be that bad right? I mean, surely this doesn't affect an individuals IQ or ability to perform everyday tasks at full capacity?

I'm the type of person that likes to be in control of a situation. Based on my experience with other MJ smokers I feel at ease watching them and seeing that they were, according to me, in full control of what they were doing.

Their inhibitions & decision making abilities seemed on point as far as I could see. So now, I hand this over to an open discussion or just a comment or two. What are your thoughts?

To get a different perspective from regular / recreational MJ smokers would be a plus. Will this make me a bad person? A hypocrite? Or will it merely make me an individual who is curious and has done his research to the best of his ability to feel "safe" in trying this out?

Ladies & gentlemen, I thank you for your time. It took a lot of courage to post this, so I trust your unbiased opinions / advice with regards to my decision.

[edit] Thank you to all who have replied so far! It is greatly appreciated!

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