How To Meditate On Cannabis - Soul Revealing Meditation Technique

Cannabis: Gateway Drug... To Enlightenment

Psychedelic Meditation Technique

The term "psychedelic" is derived from the Ancient Greek words psychē (ψυχή, "mind or soul") and dēloun (δηλοῦν, "to make visible, to reveal"), translating to "soul-revealing".

Psychedelics are primarily characterized by their tremendous ability to liberate one's mind from the structures constructed by the Ego. When these structures fall, the Soul is revealed in its full glory.

I get extremely loaded on Cannabis. When I say extremely loaded, I mean extremely. I mean like smoking at least 1/8th ounce of high quality (at least 25% THC) in one session. I can usually smoke this in my bong in four to five huge hits. I also tend to top my bowls off with hash and keef. I also dab a half gram of concentrate. I also orally consume a few hundred milligrams of THC edibles. When I was back home in the Indian Sub-continent, I used to drink massive amounts of Bhang. The point is that I get extremely High. Extremely.

Meditation On Cannabis

Cannabis is a Teacher

And you must respect the teacher, otherwise, you will never learn. There is a certain way to do Cannabis. For comfortability wear underwear, or if in private, be nude. Be free. Be the ape you were born to be. Loose clothing will do as well.

I sit there and I "meditate" while I put on my favorite psytrance/Psybient music. Journeying deeply inwardly, I follow the call of the body, the archaic and true primal nature of man. My body is my only true god. I worship it. I pay attention to it. I worship every sensation. Finding the harmony within my own senses and the phenomenon of life within me, I become ecstasy personified. Let the mind listen to the flesh. From the air against my skin to the loving gravity of mother Earth pulling me into the warm refuge of her bosom; once I truly let my mind wonder in its own monkey body I feel it free itself from its physical cage and I start to feel the One Consciousness and my connection to it.

Meditation On Cannabis

Feeling Your Existence

Feeling the wind in my hair. Feeling the breeze caressing every single follicle of hair on my ape body. Feeling it snaking through the hairs, caressing my soul with the soft kisses of an Angelic lover. Feeling the Earth underneath my mighty ape body. Taking in every odor, every smell, every scent and letting the fragrances of mother Earth uplift my spirit so high that even destiny and fate itself query me as to what is my own will. Taking in every sound, every peep, every birdsong, the rustling of leaves, the sound of the breeze caressing the grass, the sound of the breath of Gaia, taking it all in and letting the sensations in my own body overwhelm me. Life within me is strong. I can feel it! I worship myself. For I am the Universe. Not merely a part of this whole existence, but existence is myself in the whole.

The Univere is a story that cannot be told. It can ony ever be felt. And you are the Universe. Feel yourself.

Give In To Yourself

My goal isn't to fight my body or my mind. I don't try to quiet my mind. I don't try to push my thoughts aside. I don't try to regulate my breathing. All of these are forms of control and control is your worst enemy. Since everything starts with the sensation of breathing as it is the most vital to our life force so all you to do is listen to your body and it will tell you how it needs to breathe. You do not have to force anything. You do not have to control anything. You do not need to do anything other than paying attention to your body and the force of life within it. Listen to your monkey body. Don't tell your body to regulate your breathing. Your body will tell you this. Let the mind listen to it. Once you start listening to your body, once you to worship each and every sensation in your body, you will start to feel the One Consciousness.

You Will See The Mandalas

You will see very very fleeting hints and barely discernible glimpses of the mandala forming and you will find yourself gravitating toward the center of this psychic mandala. It's barely visible. You will find yourself staring into the Singularity at the heart of this Shakra, and the sensations in your body will start to overwhelm you. You will find yourself swaying from side to side, back and forth; your breathing shifting as the body needs it to shift, from slow and long breathing to slow and shallow excited breathing. You will find yourself giving into your Oneness.

Let your mind wonder. Don't focus on your thoughts. Thoughts are self-indulgent. Let them go... and most importantly let them flow. Just watch them. Don't just listen to your thoughts. Watch them reach whatever natural end that they do. This is where the importance of Cannabis becomes evident.

Cannabis is a Potent Psychedelic

If taken in heavy doses, especially if combined with a reversible MAO inhibitor like Syrian Rue (Harmine/Harmaline), it can even reach LSD-level potentials. That is correct my fellow monkeys. Cannabis CAN and DOES reach LSD-level potentials if used correctly. In normal doses that we may take, it is not as powerful but it still works as a creative boundary dissolving and structure-shattering tool. This is what causes the mind to bring down its own conditioned structures and dissolve your boundaries that society and culture have set up around you and when thoughts are free from judgments and scrutiny, true self-realization becomes possible and this is true meditation.

You will start to see a black dot at the center of your warm brown closed eyelids. Focus on the Singularity. This is your very core. This is the center of your being. This is the heart of the mandala. This is the One consciousness that is everything and nothing. It is pulling you towards itself. You are a being of light floating toward this black hole. Fear not, for this, is your mind. Watch the singularity and all your thoughts swirl around in the barely discernible psychic chrysanthemum shape.

At this point, you may find yourself thinking multiple thoughts simultaneously. You must watch each thought reaching to whatever conclusions. You watch the mandalas swirl while you focus on the center; you experience sweet chills of ecstasy shooting through your body. Every session will bring new comprehension and understanding. It's like downloading terabytes of information from the Universe; the true Universe that exists within you. You may find yourself gone for only a few minutes of real time, but it may feel like hours have gone by. And in those hours you would have had a thousand thoughts, each reaching their own natural conclusion and giving you insights beyond measure.

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