This Is My 420th Post. You Know What That Means! It's Time To Talk About Weed. Are You For or Against?

Let's talk about cannabis shall we?

Have you heard of all the people getting cured from cannabis oil? Research Rick Simpson to find out more about how cannabis oil can potentially cure many cancers. There's a reason cannabis is illegal in most places still, and it's not because your government wants to keep you safe. Cannabis is a superfood and has over 10,000 uses, most of which would put many modern corporations out of business. (And that's bad for the "economy")


Times are changing however, many States in the U.S. have legalized and decriminalized cannabis for recreational and medical use which is great. It's a step in the right direction. Many other countries are starting to see the potential for saving money on policing and imprisoning, not to mention the massive income it creates for the community and tax revenue. We all know how much politicians love money, so it won't be long until the revolution spreads.


Prescription medication causes over 100,000 deaths per year, cannabis = zero. Yet we aren't in a rush to arrest the real drug dealers. Can we all agree cannabis should be legal? Decriminalized?





Alcohol is directly related to millions of deaths per year, but no one is trying to "protect" you from alcohol.

It's completely normal in many countries to drink alcohol every day but mention you occasionally smoke cannabis to relax and you're a druggy criminal. Mind blown.




I will revisit this topic soon because I'm a huge advocate for legalization/decriminalization. I believe it's a human right to explore your own consciousness. Whatever you put in your body is up to you. It's your life and your body. Of course cannabis and drugs aren't for everyone, but each to their own right? The world is waking up to the potential of cannabis and I would appreciate if you didn't stand in the way of those that wish to consume it.

Cannabis is way safer than alcohol and should be legal. If you agree, I encourage you to slap that upvote button.

My next article about cannabis will speak about the work of Rick Simpson and all the fantastic things he's achieved. If you haven't heard of him you should jump on youtube and have a search.

Follow me to stay tuned. --> @thedonfreeman

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