I love purple cannabis strains

Hi guys, this is my first post on Steemit - thanks for having me. I wanted to start with something showcasing my passion, which is the world of cannabis! I spend most of my life working on this subject, and collect some good photos along the way, so I wanted to try something different with this post and showcase a few of them.

I also want to shout out @cm-steem for introducing me to Steemit, as it looks like a great place to hang out.

OK, here goes:

I love the purple tint that you find in some cannabis strains.

purple-moab-bong-.jpg Purple Mother of All Berries

I always stop to appreciate the beauty of my favourite plant on the planet.


Purple cannabis never ceases to amaze me - the shades of purple-to-red tints which seem to differ from strain to strain.


From the buds to the crumbs, I'll smoke it all

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 19.32.42.jpg Strawberry Crusha Crumbs

After I've finished taking photos, of course.

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 19.33.08.jpg Dolato

What's your favourite purple cannabis strain?

Tyler Green

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