The Hemp War Conspiracy | Jack Herer – Emperor Of Hemp


 This video is about a man’s fight for truth, justice and a plant. 

What began as a singular battle has turned into a massive movement to educate America about this environmentally beneficial plant.

Emperor of Hemp exposes government and big-business efforts to keep the plant illegal, and takes you to the front lines of the pro-hemp movement.

This is the film that contains the facts about one movement… one man… and one miraculous plant that could revolutionize the world.The best-selling book The Emperor Wears No Clothes blew the lid off the anti-hemp conspiracy and explained all there is to know about an easy-to-grow plant with infinite, non-intoxicating uses.

However its worth noting that since the release of this documentary a different agenda is in place for Cannabis, an agenda which has sucked in many pro-cannabis activists.

The agenda is to control the flow of Cannabis and thus profit from the plant. Many states in the US have now made Cannabis usage legal and this is slowly spreading around the western world. 


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