How customers and decentralised platforms can shape modern capitalism

There are many sides to modern capitalism - Steemit is a part of my favorite trend of decentralised platforms. For example, where Uber failed, more decentralised Arcade City steps in. It's a market solution to a  problem created by government regulations. It connects passengers  (customers) with drivers (service providers), diminishing the role of middlemen (especially government middlemen that demand their cut without providing anything productive) and regulatory barriers.

As customers and activists, we can  „vote” with our resources (money, time, commitment, etc.) to support projects  that we consider useful and fair. If you don't like some centralised corporation, you should  avoid buying their products and services. Take your money elsewhere, boycott them if you like, but don't mistake their existence as an inevitable fruit of capitalism. In fact, big business often benefits from regulations and lobbies against the free market capitalism, which would endanger their position by bringing more competition. The freer the market, the more choice we have and it's up to us how we use it. And even on heavily regulated market we still have some choice - we'd better start making good use of it by supporting projects that make the world freer and better place.

There's no point in waiting for governments to let go of their power. The true capitalism - free market capitalism - is beta tested thanks to the development of decentralised platforms. Let's give it a try.

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