The car is being serviced, got a spare for rent.

While the steering spring, foglight cover and transmission fluids are being changed, I'm driving this Kia today.

Kia Rio

I had the exact same spare car about two weeks ago when the faulty turbo was being replaced.

I can say for certain that while the Kia Rio a nice car, and has stuff that I love in a car, there are two tiny little things that woul break the deal and prevent me from buying this model:

  1. It's just too small.
  2. The clutch, why do I have to bring my knee up to my chin just for switching gears? Who designed this mile long clutch?

Yeah, there you have it, my "mini-review" of Kia Rio. :)

Als, white is not a good colour for a car. One day of driving after wash, and it is white no longer. One hour, if the weather is like today. ;)

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