Carpark crash visualized.

Lady in the black Honda behind me is eyeing for an opening parking space.

I see the car behind me, and start up the car and put it on reverse, to show her that I am wanting to leave, which I she clearly takes a notice of since she's looking right at our car through her side window. I take it that she acknowledges me wanting to back out, so she promptly pulls forward leaving me plenty of room to roll out. I also take notice there's a black Chevy with blinkers on, waiting for me to open up a spot for them. (The couple in the car witness what is about to happen.)

She notices there's another car leaving, and has an idea: "That spot is much closer! I'll take it!"

I start pulling out. I see something dark suddenly blocking the right back view mirror and hear a honk presumably from the Chevy at the same time. Before I can react the car jerks into whatever's behind us.

Without much thought, she swiftly hits the reverse and crash boom.

Now I'm not sure who is the party to blame. But one thing that caught my eye when I was reconstructing the whole thing was that there should have been more room. Why was she on the left lane anyway? I don't get it. She's not British, nor Australian or Japanese from what I can gather. Or shouldn't we pay attention to traffic rules in a parking lot?

Also, is it permissible to suddenly change directions from forward to reverse in a busy parking lot?

I am puzzled. If it were fully my fault for not looking when she was going past, I would consider myself at fault, but because she clearly had noticed my turning the car on and on reverse when she was sitting right behind us and then even gave us room to back out. It's almost as if she did it on purpose. I know it isn't so, but her denial on the phone made me doubt it might be the case. I had two people witness she suddenly decided to reverse direction "out of nowhere" even. And she herself admitted she saw a spot closer and on a whim decided to take it instead of the one further away.

I would so much love to have cameras and sound recorders planted on my car and everything because she was bordering silly when she first admitted to backing in hurry (reckless if you ask me), and then called it my fault.

Anyway, I'm getting to bed now. I'm exhausted.

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