The 1000 years old undying shark

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you my 1000 years old undying shark(千歲不死大白鯊), a 1994 Honda Civic. A friend of mine Mr. T K Foo gave it this nickname when I first drove it to fetch him from the airport. I bought it awhile ago at a bargain price when the previous owner decided he had enough of it, and decided to buy another smaller/newer local make hatchback instead. I like the fact, this was once every youngsters dream to own kind of gangster car. I like the fact, it was 1/60 of it's original price when it was new.


First thing I did, was to figured out how to fix the dash cluster. This car has absolutely no light on the dashboard console when I got it. I can't see those driving instruments at night, don't even know how fast am I going or how much petrol left. It was dangerous and I decided to give it some sweat and love.


Open up the old cluster, take the dashboard console out and give it a thorough cleaning. As you can see, the aircond duct has been stuck with an inch thick of dust after accumulating human slime for the past 20 years.


So, I took out the old meter cluster, kept it aside, and gotten myself a replacement unit from the chop shop. The meter was imported version, felt like I'm a ricer after installed it.


So I took the kids with me, head out for a spin to the near by shopping mall. To my horror, the new set of meter got lights, but the tachometer doesn't work, neither the speedo meter is accurate. The car is moving, but the meter still pointing at 0km/h until I hit 3rd gear, which usually around 60km/h then only the pointer suddenly shoot up to 40km/h. So I had no choice but to go back home and give the old black meter cluster some work, change some bulbs and give it a thorough cleaning before replace it with the broken "new" white racing looked meter.


Great, now everything is functioning properly. Head out for a spin again, and I got stopped by the police, that my rear registration plate has no light, in fact all the rear lamps are not working at all. I got myself a long explanation that I just purchased the car in the afternoon, has absolutely no idea those bulbs are out. I got away with a verbal warning.


Ughh... since gonna do, might as well do it properly. Change them in to high flux LED.


Bye old filament bulbs.


Hello COB!


Now, atleast it looks nicer and acceptable. Despite of it's age, atleast a touch of love made it looks nicer than it was. On the last note, parked the car side by side to the latest Civc FC, basketball the newer model is so much bigger than their great grand dad.


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