Rare Sighting of Cat in Lap


still acts feral in his regard for humans. At five months he entered the pound. For three months he resided in a cage, alone, because he has no regard for fellow felines, either. He tricked us when we came to the pound in search of a cat for our daughters (both in high school at the time). He let me hold him, and purred, and wouldn't let me put him down.

Papers signed, we brought him home.

The Rocket Routine.
The Voice.
The things he concealed, having learned, after three months of rejection, to conceal from naive humans like us!

On occasion, he will reward us for our servitude with an occasional visit to a lap.

Otherwise, and only if the human appears to be preoccupied, he demands to be held: the human must be STANDING the entire time; dare to SIT, and Bobinksi leaps away.

There is more to this story, the persecution and exile of the majestic Maine Coon,


and the staying power of this little tyrant,

who keeps demanding a pet door so he can go in and out without waiting for us to heed his miserable, raucous howls to be set out into the night, his original domain, which he will never relinquish.

A ten-pound tyrant

has annexed my home, and we all seem to be helpless to eliminate him.

Bobinski has no competition because the Cats of Internet show no signs of rivalry or disregard for one another, because they have NO REGARD whatsoever for one another.
The Cat instills no fear in Bobi.

Ooh, I just discovered @kona's


--Use the tag "dailypetphotography" in your post. It doesn't have to be the first tag.
--Include a photo of your pet. Actually if there are stray cats or dogs, or any pets you meet while you are shopping, they will also count.
--One photo is sufficient for this purpose. If you want to post more, please do.
--(Optional) Do let me know the name of your pet and your camera type.
--No plagiarized photos permitted! Not just for this challenge, but for any post on the Steem blockchain.

@GuyTMartland has moved his #Caturday stories from Steemit to his blog.

My so-called Slave Stories will be listed here from now on. And maybe anything else I find interesting. I'll try and keep writing one every Caturday, but this depends on my literary commitments, amongst other things. I am a very important cat, you know.

The stories are below. I now have an appointment under the bed, so if you'll excuse me...

  1. The Gift

  2. If They Only Knew...

  3. The Suitcase Sign

  4. Hoover! Hoover!

  5. Curiosity et cetera

  6. Shadows of Humans

  7. A Meeting With The Green-Gowned Devil

  8. TBC (Come back next Caturday...)

Until next time,


because Kean sounds like Kane (not keen, hint, hint)

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