My Adventure with Fred (My Cat) Where is my shoe lace? #4

Hi Steemiants. Continuing in this series of my experience with this beautiful soul in my cat brings us to the 4th episode titled as above.
If you read the last, you will know that i started a series talking about the numerous ways Fred love to spend his play time; the first being as a footballer.
As it is now, i am handicapped with one of my shoes and the only reason is because my shoe lace is missing. I have placed the shoe on "no wear" for close to two weeks now because i couldn't find one of the laces.

So, who took my shoe lace?

Apparently, this is one of Fred's strong points. He's seen severally fumbling with the laces of the shoes as arranged. Sometimes and almost all the times, he will come around when i am lacing or unlacing my shoe and he starts to play around with it right there. The actual fact now is Fred has misplaced my lace. I washed the lace at a time and I was still only planning to fix it back until I couldn't find one of the laces again. I have a similar proof below where he did something like that to my eyes "korokoro".

Yeah, those are the kinda things he likes playing around with;socks, laces,nylon flying around and generally, anything that looks like a chord just as you have below.

That was obviously what he did to my shoe lace until he dragged it to a corner i don't know.Now, i have searched around for the lace and can't seem to find it. However, I have told him that this post must bring in enough to buy myself another shoe or else! He will come and tell you people himself what happened to him

So, pls upvote and comment; for his

Up next, "My Dilemma"

BTW, he send his regards.

Breaking news is that I can't find my earpiece and I can't trace to anyone but Fred.

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