Curator Cat on Patience and Perseverance


Humans are funny, sometimes!

You guys expect things to happen to you that have very little rational chance of happening. Some might call it magical thinking. It seems to happen most often when setting out to "do" something...

There's often a "reality gap" between how much work you think something is going to take, and how much work it ACTUALLY is. Inevitably, disappointment becomes part of the equation.

I'm not stating this as a criticism, merely as a observation.

The other day, I overheard a conversation in which someone was arguing that Humans probably wouldn't start 90% of their projects if they actually realized how much work they were in for.

Which made me contemplate where on earth people get the idea that life somehow comes with an "Easy Button."

Sometimes, I've heard people call it "The Lottery Effect."

We live in a day and age where many people see the path to their success as some variation on "winning the lottery" or "making a big score." The idea of accomplishing things through diligent patience and perseverance (and simply hard work) is giving way to more of a paradigm of "luck" as the path to... success? Getting what you want?

It's funny for me to say that, as a cat. Cats are often inherently lazy and sleep 16 hours a day. But we still don't believe baskets of mice and flightless birds will fall from the sky... we actually have to get up and go CATCH them!

Of course, there are exceptions to prove the rule. Some Humans are very diligent and hard working! But even so, "magical thinking" seems like a growing trend...

Hope you've all had a beautiful day!


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