Could Your Cat Suffer From Feline Asthma? 12/6/2018

If your a regular reader then you may know I mentioned that my cat Bella as not been very well and at first I didn't think much of it.
What I mean is I simply thought that perhaps she had a hairball.
But it wasn't like a typical hairball the best way I can describe it in human terms is like coughing and wheezing while trying to bring up germs but never actually does.

Cats can often get upper respiratory infections, if your cat shows any signs of a respiratory illness you could be noticing things like sneezing, wheezing, runny eyes or nose, with these it could be important to have your cat checked out right away.

Most feline upper airway infections are caused by "and its not hard to guess" but yes viruses a upper airway infection can be quickly a serious matter for your kitty cats health.
Untreated these infections can lead to secondary infections resulting in chronic problems and even death.

Respiratory disease can also be linked to other serious problems, like allergies, dental disease, even cancer, you see approximately 90% of all upper airway infections are caused by two common viruses but as for my cat Bella we already ruled out the first one and that leaves something within the Feline calicivirus.

But there is also fungi, bacteria, tumours or dental disease that could be the cause as for Bella we can rule out dental disease.

But another big culprit is Asthma!

Feline asthma is actually very similar to human asthma a inflammation of the small passageways of the cat’s lungs. When a asthma attack occurs the passageways thicken and constricts this of course is making it very difficult for your kitty to breathe normally.
This causes respiratory stress which can actually become grave in a matter of minutes but Bella is still with us and going strong.

Images By: @simonjay

What interests me about the Asthma the most is it can possibly make the lungs discharge a mucus into the airways leading to fits of coughing and wheezing which sounds alot more like what Bella is suffering from.
The scary thing like most problems is asthma can quickly become a life threatening health problem Bella as had this a while now so perhaps its a milder version.

Symptoms of Asthma in Cats?

Coughing and wheezing, squatting with shoulders hunched, the neck extended and rapid breathing or gasping for breaths, gagging up a foamy or mucus like substance, open mouth breathing, blue lips and gums and a general sense of weakness.

What Causes Asthma?

There are a number of factors but it is thought to develop as a result of an allergic bronchitis basically when the airways in a cat's lungs become inflamed due to an allergen or another substance that upsets the kitties immune system.

And these include pollens, molds, dust, cigarette smoke, perfume, foods, a heart condition, parasites, extreme stress, obesity, heart worms and pneumonia.

How to treat the cat?

Well just like humans asthmatics, inhalers, antibiotics for a bacterial infection, anti-viral supplements for a respiratory virus.

Right now Bella as had this illness for a while but is not accompanied by any pain but does have some discomfort, she does have some facial deformity, gagging but no foamy stuff or mucus, but weight loss is present, these are all still serious and can kill if it gets to its worst form.

A expert Dr. Gibbons explains that coughing is more specific to the lungs and more commonly associated with asthma I feel like its not exactly coughing of breathing that Bella is having issues with its hard to explain but it seems perhaps like more of a congested wheezing which according to the info means Bella may not have Asthma.

Here is a video found on youtube of what Bella kinda does but not exactly how she sounds.


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