Say Hello To Bear (Gomez) And An Update

I'm a cat person.


I always have been. I just like the way they act, the way they saunter around, the way they look. They are also convenient and relatively inexpensive to care for. You just feed them and scoop their litter (and give them love of course). No need to take them on walks or give them baths... I had a couple of cats several years ago, but they were given new homes when trouble hit our family.

Well, last night it all started when Naomi brought out a big ball of yarn. We got to talking about how we miss our old cats, how we miss having cats in general. I started browsing the humane society website, and the whole idea snowballed from there. Then my hopes were dashed when I read this:

$125 – Kittens under 6 months
$100 – Adult cats

"Oh, that's too expensive." I said. The children hung their heads. For some reason I went back to the website later and looked again.

$125 – Kittens under 6 months
$100 – Adult cats
Cats over 5 years old are free

So I found Bear.


Bear is 9 years old. He has been at the humane society for nearly a year! Poor guy! My heart went out to him. Not to mention he is already neutered, declawed, microchipped, and he's up to date on all his shots! Originally I was hoping to find a pair of kittens to take home, because it's always better when a cat has a friend (unless they're adults when they meet, then they usually hate each other). I don't think Bear will mind if he doesn't have a friend, though. We will be his friends! I think he will be happy just getting out of that cage and into a loving home!


Needless to say, I'm now on a mission to rescue Bear!

I hope that's not the name he was called his whole life, because we've already settled on a different name. We are going to call him Gomez. It's a lot better than Bear. Anyway, the humane society opens at noon and I'll be there, with a cat box, cat food, and cat litter all ready for him.

The real test will be finding out if he's nice or not. If he hisses and is mean, he probably won't be very child-friendly, and I'll have to keep searching, but if he's a sweetheart, we will bring him into the family fold. With all the stress we've been under, we need this cat to take our focus off our problems, and to bring some levity to our lives.

Speaking of our problems though, I will give an update.

If any of you don't know, My mom called a social worker on us for something very petty and minor, and we are now under investigation by CPS. That's it in a nutshell. Feel free to check my blog starting with It's Happening.

We haven't heard from the social worker or police for over a week. Did they forget about us? Did they realize they have better things to do? Or are they lulling us into a false sense of security before they bring the hammer down? I really don't know. We just live under a constant blanket, this oppressive state of mind, and the situation is ever before us and always there. We are incapable of being relaxed and carefree.

I got an Email from an HSLDA lawyer saying this, so I think I was accepted:

Thank you for applying to Join the Home School Legal Defense Association. I’ve reviewed your application, which indicates you have questions about an ongoing legal situation. I was unable to reach you at either of the phone numbers listed on your application. Please call me directly at 540-338-8**2 to discuss this situation and how we might be able to assist you.

Why do I let the kids play with my phones!!!

I tried calling him back 5 times yesterday, and I left a voicemail, and E-mailed him back! I also called HSDLA headquarters, and they said he was in the office, so he will probably check his voicemail and get back to me soon. So far I have not been able to connect with this guy! A major point of frustration to say the least. All the more reason to get a feline stress reliever. ;)

Well, I Hope you all have a great day!

Love, snowpea ❤

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