Cat Love ~ A Caturday Story

I hadn’t really planned on doing a post today but it’s Caturday so I’m going to tell a story (yep, another one) about those silly cats outside. I think they must really love me and I’ll tell you why. I’ve been feeding them, petting them and providing shelter for awhile. They are out there almost every day and I think no matter what shelter that is made for them, they prefer the cushions on the porch chairs the most. Last year I had a friend over and was feeding them when my friend remarked that “if you stop feeding them they will stop coming around” and “they are only hanging around because you are feeding them and they’re hungry”. Okay, first off, I’m not going to stop feeding them and they shouldn’t be “that” hungry as I feed them a couple times a least. It did though make me think back to last summer and even this morning.

A photo of Sylvester/Sylvia aka Syl when she was younger.

Last summer it seemed I could hardly leave the house to go for a walk without these silly cats following me. At the time, my daughter was living up the street and occasionally I would have to walk up and feed her animals when she was not in town. No problem, except for these cats! They wanted to follow me everywhere I went when I was outside. I used to have to sneak out after they went around the back of the house to explore and play. I also used to feed them and then leave while they were eating but they would, actually, leave their food to follow me. Sometimes I would have to turn around because they followed almost all the way to the other house. I just didn’t want them to wander so far from home so I would walk them back to my house. They had me trained pretty well!

Here they come!


This morning I fed them and decided to take a couple photos of the sky. I turned around and practically fell over Fluff and Syl wasn’t far behind her. Baby decided to keep eating. Anyway, there wasn’t much special with the sky this morning so I went to walk back up the walk way and those kitties walked ahead of me. When I stopped, they stopped. I stopped a few times and they would just stop also and wait for me or Fluff would come back as if to say “come on, we’re waiting for you”. It just made me laugh and think of what the friend said last summer. While it may be true to some extent, they did and do leave quite a pile of food to follow me around many times.

These two!



So there you have it! These cats plain and simple love me and I love them too. I’m not gonna stop feeding them and giving them love either. I would let someone take them if they would give them a forever home. I just can’t take anymore cats inside my home but I wish they could have that. My daughter and I have found so many homes for cats and kittens around here that we’ve run out of friends to take any more. I’m not giving up on it though but till then they will always have a place here!

One last photo of goofy Baby! It was taken at night and she was moving around and it came out looking funny!

Thank you @dswigle for #caturday!



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